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          Ja'Lina Abreia Reid 🌻

          Ja'Lina Abreia Reid 🌻                    _________

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12:15 pm, Toronto Canada 🇨🇦

"You swear you cute eh?" Kai laughed and took my picture while I stood in the middle of the store that sold antique rocks.

I came to visit him at the mall while he was at work since I had nothing else to do, Plus I had good news to tell him.

"Obviously I'm cute or yuh wouldn't be wit me right?" I smiled as we walked through the mall.

"I guess that's right" he shrugged being funny

"Mhm, Anyways Lets sit somewhere I have some tings to tell you"

He nodded and we soon took a seat by tropical smoothie after I forced him to get me something.

I sipped on the drink he bought me and looked around enjoying the scenery, Jamaica was beautiful and I miss home a lot but something about Canada was so interesting to me. I had been in a great mood lately Plus, nova and Rina should be here to see me in a few weeks for Christmas break.

"So, are you gonna tell me or not Lina? You know my nerves bad" Kai sighed grabbing my hands

I smiled, "okay. Well, you know how Dave's song was discovered by drake?" I played with my straw

"Yea, why?"

"Well, I kind of put a word in for you guys when I was with Jahron and he-"

"Woah woah, when were you with that nigga?" He frowned disregarding everything I said

"This was weeks ago, let me finish please?"

He nodded letting me continue, "like I was saying, I put in a word for you guys and played him the song. Long story short he spoke to Drake and sent him the link to the song and a week or so later is when Drake contacted you guys about some potential collabs" I spoke fast

"Yooo, babe you serious right now?" He picked me up and spun me around making me giggle

"Yes I promise" I grinned once he put me down

"I can't believe this, i gotta text Dave" he kissed my forehead and began typing on his phone

"I've known this nigga for years and I never though of using him as a connect" he mumbled

After the good news I spent a few more minutes with him before he went back to work. I didn't want to go home so I spent some time shopping around for a few outfits.

I was about to leave the store "pacsun" When I seen Damon walk in holding hands with a girl around his age.

I raised my brow and decided to do what any annoying older sister would do, go mess with him

"Hey mon. What are you doing here?" I stepped in front of them

Damon's eyes went wide for a second before his usual dull facial expression returned.

"I'm shopping, that's what the mall is for correct?" He responded like the smart ass he is causing the girl he was with the snicker and hit his arm

"I'm sorry he's such an ass, I'm his best friend Yuni" she smiled out stretching her hand which I gladly shook.

"Oh don't I know it, try taking care of this ass for 16 years. I'm his older sister, Ja'Lina nice to meet you. You look kind of familiar" I tilted my head to the side trying to get a better look at her.

"I lived in Jamaica for years, I moved three years ago to Chicago and moved down here last year. I've been around you a few times" she smiled small.

She did look kind of familiar and she had a hint of a Jamican accent left.

I simply shrugged, "maybe it'll come to me one day. You guys have fun" I hugged Yuni and pushed Damon before exiting the store and soon the mall.

I pull all my bags in the trunk and drove home in my moms car. Thankfully she didn't have to work till later so I could use it.

I was planning to look for a job soon so I could get my own car and soon my own place.

I loved living with my family but I was about to be a high school graduate and I needed my own space.

Kaiden's been trying to get me to move in with him but I know we aren't ready for such a big step yet. He was against me getting my own place but I didn't care what he wanted, I would be the one paying to live there and not him so his opinion wasn't too valid to me.

I parked the car, grabbed my bags then entered the house to see Jamonie sitting on the couch with his friends playing some game he called "fortnite"

I walked passed them and halfway up the stairs when monie called my name.

"Yuh?" I leaned on the couch beside him

"You might wanna prepare yuhself for wat you see when you get up there" he whispered

I read his facial expressions seeing he was serious

"What do you mean, what happened and who's here?" I frowned

"Just go see for yourself, and remember what I said, try not to cause a scene" he suggested before going back to yelling and screaming with his friends over the game.

I sighed and made my way upstairs, "Mom" I yelled looking around for her

"In mi office breia" she yelled back

I slowly made my way to her office and took a deep breath, but even monie's warning couldn't prepare me for who was sitting in our home like nothing ever happened.

"Why the fuck is he hea?" I groaned trying to keep my composure

"Lina please don't be so rude, he's still your fada" mom sighed from her seat

"He's a fucking batty bwoy that's exactly wat he is to me. No father of mine would put his wife and children in danger"

"Ja'Lina I swear dat wasn't my intentions. I was in a bad place and I didn't know wat-."

"I don't won't to hear it 'fada' it doesn't matter at this point what yuh do or say we're never going to go back to how we were. Our family will forever be damaged all because of YOU. I hope Yuh happy" I held back my tears and ran to my room

I hurried up and packed my overnight bag and made my way downstairs

My parents called after me from the top of the stair case but I never looked back. This is exactly why I wanted a place to myself

I always knew deep down that he would try to come back and make shit right but I couldn't deal with it, I couldn't sit there with him and act like he didn't once upon a time ruin my life.

I threw my bag in the trunk and sped down the street, yup I was taking her car. She would get it back when he left

While driving I called Kai and all of my friends and no one answered leaving my last resort

I pulled into the circle drive and knocked on the doors

"I'm sorry I showed up so short notice, can I come in please?"

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