A Surprise YogParty

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Hey! New chapter for today! And also I will sadly be having a bit of slow updating since we are back to school: Horay! *Sarcastic voice* Enjoy :) SierraOwls

CH 8 – A Surprise YogParty

After that shocking surprise, next thing I know I’m hiding right behind Hannah: dying slowly of fangirling. I wasn’t happy... I was gobsmacked at what the members did. It was weird to have so many people in one room; I never handled to be social around people; that always terrify me. And to my instincts, it looked like all of the Yogscast members were all here for me, Lewis and Hannah.

After that, Lewis had pushed through behind me looking quite shocked... and a bit angry (probably why the whole office had threw a party without telling him.). Inside of me, I was laughing, outside I’m shaking of anxiety. Everyone died down into quietness, staring at me. My face met with Hannah’s, her look gesturing for me to introduce myself. My throat had turned dry and my heart had started to beat faster. It wasn’t the adrenaline that increased the screams inside me; it was just being the centre of attention.

I gulped hard to open my mouth to speak, but interrupted by a tight bear hug. I couldn’t tell who it was until I heard a familiar voice.

“Aaaaaaawwwwww! Lewis! She’s adorable!” Simon squealed into my ears. My face turned crimson red in embarrassment as I heard Hannah giggle at Simon. I couldn’t believe it! My idol that I watched for all of my life is hugging me! And fainting wasn’t an option at this right time.

“Don’t squeeze her to death!” I heard a familiar female voice – Kim, exclaiming from the laughing going on. Finally, Simon had let my lungs inhale and exhale again. By the looks on his face, he looked happy for his best-friend. Just when walked back to Hannah and Lewis, I regret to what I had said.

“I’m Dave exclamation point Yognaut(ght)! And I have the balls!”  Covering my mouth, I heard the whole room fill with laughter and Simon nearly running out of breath! Lewis and Hannah had just stood there, looking at me.

“Um... Didn’t I tell you I am quite a big fan of you?” I whispered softly as they died down back. Lewis went back to introducing me to the others; also knowing that I knew them well so we didn’t have to have the ‘awkward conversation’ of introducing each other. I was glad. To their tone of voice and how each of them got along with me, I knew in my heart they liked me somehow. 

“So your name’s Ellie. Is it short for Eleanor?” I try not to wince at what Sjin – Paul was his real name - asked about me. The name kind of haunts me now, and it’s not because I hated it... it was worse than that.

I replied: “Yeah, it is. But I kind of prefer Ellie.” Before I turned and left to talk to other people, Sips (His real name is Chris) interrupted and asked another question.

“Is it because it sounds so posh and elegant?” To be honest, I agree to this mother trucker.

“That’s one reason, but I never really thought about it.” The questions were starting to hit me.

Were my real parents rich, posh and elegant?

And if they were, how could I end up in a hellish orphanage? I shook my head to wore of the thoughts and waved ‘see you later’ back at the two. Not looking where I was going, I felt myself tumble into someone. My face flourished red of embarrassment, but luckily everyone was occupied at something. I got back up onto my feet and heaved their arm up for support. I widen my eyes to realise it was actually Martyn (a.k.a Inthelittlewood).

“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” I gasped quietly seeing him dust himself clean.

“It’s alright; sometimes we have to knock down someone once in a while.” He joked, I laughed in reply. It was awesome to finally meet him in person; he was one of my favourite members out of the Yogscast! We talked for a few seconds until we both heard a familiar voice calling Martyn his nickname. Out of the crowd I saw Martyn’s girlfriend: Kaeyi, who ran up to us.

“Hey Stinky!” Kaeyi waved at him, Martyn rolling his eyes as I laughed quite a bit. “Oh yeah! Nice to meet you Ellie!” She turned to face me and gave me short friendly hug.

“Hey Kaeyi! I love your videos, channel and your cats: Kiki and Pascal.” I complimented the couple. After the introduction, we talked non-stop about nearly everything we thought about. Martyn had introduced me to Toby – who I got along very well with (not in a ‘love’ way). I was about to start another sentence until I felt someone’s hand placed onto my shoulder. I turned around to see Lewis smiling.

“So how are you enjoying the YogParty?” Lewis asked.

“It’s great!” I replied inaudibly, getting an unsure look from him.

“You don’t sound like you’re having fun, aren’t you?”

I sighed and adjusted my position to face him. “It’s just that...” I looked at all of the Yogscast – talking, chatting to others who they never usually talk with. “I feel out of place that’s all.” 

“Why do you feel out of place?” He asked me once more.

“I’m shy, unsocial, different...” I tried to carry on but Lewis had interrupted me.

“You’re not: you are kind, caring, soft and funny! Everyone is unique in their own ways.” I smiled at his encouraging speech, hugging him at the process.

“Thanks.” I let go of his grasped when I looked around to see the common room empty, but with only me, Lewis and Hannah. She had her jacket clutched onto her hand. The two met to my eyes.

Hannah started first. “So...”

“Do you want to see your room?” Lewis asked, “I know you won’t like it. We didn’t know you’ll like such as colour and...”

I interrupted him; “I know it’ll be epic.” I gave both of them a reassuring smile, and the next thing we were was heading to their home: my new home. 

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