Welcome to the Yogscast Family

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CH 7 – Welcome to the Yogscast Family

“So...” I was totally distracted from daydreaming, I only heard Lewis mutter something. Shaking my head, I turned to him – who was still driving and Hannah was on the passenger seat beside him.

“Wait waa?” They both chuckled, my face forming into confusion.

“Were you daydreaming?” Hannah laughed.

“No.” I replied quietly and innocently, making them both burst into laughter. I asked them what was so funny.

“Oh nothing!” Lewis just plainly said, trying to calm down as he made the car stop from the traffic lights. “I was just going to ask: what else do you like and like to do?”

“Uh...” I try not to burst out and say that I watch them. Maybe if I slowly do it, they might figure it out? It wasn’t obvious, Madame Reyna wouldn’t let me go out and buy clothes: Joe had kindly enough to buy me some – if he had time. So for the information: I had no Minecraft or Yogscast related clothing on or with me.

“...I like to watch videos in this website called: YouTube.” I quietly muttered as an answer. To my instincts, it looked as if they both raised an eyebrow.

“What kind of videos?” Hannah asked, with that tone as if she was a detective or something (I don’t really know!).

“Gaming videos.” I just said plainly back. There was no point of keeping the conversation going, they’ll know soon enough. “Especially British ones.”

And that was when I saw their faces lit up: just like I was on my birthday and right now.

“Why didn’t you tell us?!” They both simultaneously exclaimed, my hands on my ears.

“Lewis! You better keep your eyes on the road!” With Hannah’s remark, Lewis forcefully pushed the brakes as he had nearly crashed into car. I know it sounds terrifying, but I couldn’t hold a grudge to laugh.

“Oh my god, we could have died!” Lewis was quite annoyed by now as me and Hannah was in laughing fits. After a couple minutes from trying to calm down and finally arriving to the car park, my stomach had become twisted from laughing and panicking.

What would they think of me? They wouldn’t want a quiet, shy girl in the Yogscast. I would be the obstacle, the one who just roams around like a ghost – I looked like a ghost. The negative side of my brain was overwhelming me with ideas: (you’re really not helping in this situation bad side!)

We were still inside of the car, all of us having taken off our seat belts. My head hung low – staring at my hands, I looked up to see the two looking back at me.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Hannah wondered as we all got out from the car, both of them waiting for answer. I sighed and explained in a nutshell;

“It’s just... I didn’t want you to think I was going to be a crazy fan. And if you knew, you wouldn’t pick me.” I chuckled at the last part of my sentence: “And living there for 10 years was kinda like hell.” After that, I felt Hannah and Lewis hug me.

“Even if we knew, we will still pick you. You seem really awesome anyways!” Hannah retorted at me, her smile making my day. We all entered the building to find the reception empty. Lewis looked quite concerned by that. Was there post to someone here? There was a large wooden counter on one side of the wall, with a computer and chair set up behind it. I felt safe by Hannah as she was next me – protecting me like a mother and her cub.

“Maybe Anya went up to the offices.” Lewis mumbled as we all climbed up the flight of stairs. Who was Anya?

“Oh yeah, she’s usually called Minty I guess.” Hannah replied, and I knew I had spoken my thoughts out loud. As Lewis opened the door for us, we entered a long hallway filled with doors and red alarms. It was shocking to finally be here! Here in Yogtowers! It’s like a Yognaut(ght)’s dream to be here! And I was!

Me being small, I looked up to both of my idols’ faces filled with confusion. I panned my eyes to see that the red alarms weren’t on. In the videos: they were mostly on when someone was recording in them. And apparently, it was dead quiet – nothing like we suspected. We kept walking slowly, checking to see if anyone was in their offices; but no one was.

“That’s strange?” Lewis said as he scratched his head and putting his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose. We all walked along the corridor to search inside the rest of doors. The only room we hadn’t checked was the common room. (A/N This is set before Hat Films turned the common room into their office.)

I peeked through glass of the door to see nobody inside. However, there was food on the table and... streamers and balloons? Are they having a party?

“We should check the common room.” I whispered to Hannah. She nodded in reply with Lewis. We all entered in, me going in first. And I couldn’t believe what had happened;

“Surprise!” Nearly all of the Yogscast members had jumped out of their hiding spots – shouting. I gasped, seeing what they had done for me.

“Welcome to the Yogscast family!”

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