9: Day 12

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Saint Sherlock:
what do you do?

Jane Doe:
Uh, reviewing some data?

Saint Sherlock:
No. I meant, what do you do
for a living? Or are you still a student?

Jane Doe:
Oh, that.
Well, I took over my grandparents' company.
And I'm also taking law classes.

Saint Sherlock:
Idk where to be more surprised
That you're taking law or
the fact that you didn't hesitate
answering that at all

Jane Doe:
Oh shush.
Everyone knows it so why won't I tell you

Saint Sherlock:
I'm pretty sure everyone knows your
name either but you still won't tell me

Jane Doe:
Because you won't tell me yours.

Saint Sherlock:
That's true.
In time, mademoiselle. In time.

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