Chapter 9

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''Ne-ne, I'm going out to run a bit, kay?'' Yoru shouts, putting on his shoes.

''Be safe!" Came the reply and Yoru walks out of the door, closing it behind him.

Yoru stretched for 5 minutes, before taking off.

'Hmm~ It's been a long time that I went for a morning run.' Yoru thought, running with a smile on his face.

*Time-skip when Yoru finished running*

''Ha~ That felt good!'' Yoru stretched his arms above his head. ''I'm going to run from now on in the mornings, need to hold up my stamina after all.'' (He changed his clothes to school clothing when he went to the bathroom at a café).

Yoru stopped walking when he saw a crowd of people with camera's and other things standing in front of his school ''Huh? Nani kore?''

Yoru looked at the scene confused, but still walked towards the front gate. Yoru just wanted to walk through the crowd, but it seems that they had other plans for him.

''Excuse me!"

''Huh?'' Yoru stopped walking when a microphone was trusted in front of his face. Yoru looked at it dumbfounded, but still answered the woman ''H-Hai?''

''How are All Might's classes?'' The woman asked, eager to know more.

Yoru blinked a few times ''Uhm... He teaches all right, I guess? I mean, I only had him once, so I don't really know if he's good or not. But from the lesson we did have from him was pretty interesting.''

The reporters looked delighted that someone finally answered and questioned the boy more.

''Then! What do you think about All Might personally? Do you think he's a good hero?''

Yoru looked at the reporter, surprised ''He's a hero? I didn't know that... No wonder everyone was so happy he entered the classroom.'' Yoru muttered to himself, but the reporters heard him and were suspired at his answer.

''You don't know who All Might is?!''

Yoru shook his head ''No clue.''

The reporters could only gawk at him, I mean, who doesn't know THE symbol of peace, All Might?! This gained the attention from another unwanted guest.

''Have you lived under a stone?! How can you not know him?!''

''I lived in the forest if that's what you mean. And, again, I have never met him before.'' Yoru answered, poker faced.


''T-Then, when you met him what did you think of him?''

''He's okay, I guess.'' Yoru answered bluntly.

''You don't see him as a hero?'' The reporter asked curious.

''No.'' The reporters were shocked at the answer ''If never seen him fight, so I can't really judge him. But the way I see him now is that he's just a normal guy who's a teacher at school. Nothing more nothing less.''

The reporters could only stare.

Yoru bowed ''Now, if you excuse me, I have classes to attend.'' And walks away. When Yoru's a few meters away, he narrows his eyes 'Who was that man in the back? He didn't look like a reporter... He also had a nasty presence. I better look out for him.'

When Yoru walked away, Aizawa-sensei appeared and asked (more like demanded) the reporters to go away.

'I can't believe All Might was able to work as a hero with all this.'' Aizawa thought annoyed.

What did I get myself into...? (Boku No Hero Academia x Male!OC)Where stories live. Discover now