Chapter 1

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Ming: Forth, are you free tonight?

Forth: No, I promised Jas to bring her for dinner.

Ming: Oh.. Okay fine. Send my regards to Jas.

Forth: Sure...

Ming: Forth, did you tell about it to Jas.

Forth: No Ming, I can't do that.

Ming: Forth, think wicely before you make any decision.

Forth: Sure Ming... Thank you.

Forth left Ming and his friends to pick up his girlfriend, Jas. He waited for her infront of her faculty. She walks towards him and hugs him proudly while her friend's watches her. Forth opens door for her and let her in his car. Within a second Jas picture of hugging Forth were uploaded in university webpage by someone. Forth is one of the famous and hot guy in the campus but he is very quite and humble. Girls die to get his attention but none able to grab his attention. It's always been a question towards Jas "How she could make Forth hers". Jas is one of the pretty girl in the campus but she also once one of the person who once die to get Forth's attention.

Jas saw the picture and show towards Forth and mentioning perfect couple but Forth doesn't seem interested on that. He just ignore her keep driving his car.

Jas: Forth, are you okay?

Forth: I'm Fine...

Jas: No, Forth.. you are not. I can feel that. If there is any problem disturbing you? You can share with me Forth.

Forth: Sure... If i have. Okay where do you want to have dinner now?

Jas: Anywhere would be fine for me...

Forth just continue his driving. Meanwhile Jas gets call and she keep on appologizing to the person on call. Forth feel frustrated but he waits for her to end the call.

Jas: Forth do you mind if we can bring Beam along. His car is broken. I told him that I would pick him up but I forget about.

Forth: I'm okay with that. Where is he now?

Jas: Thank you Forth, He is in his faculty.

Forth make a U-turn back to the medical faculty. Beam waits for his sister there. He shocked to see Forth's coming approaching his building. His face become pale. He gets in the car and greet both Forth and Jas. The only person who keep talking in the car is Jas both Forth and Beam just reply Yes and No. Forth adjust his front mirror and he just focus on Beam who seat in the back. Beam knows Forth is watching but he just ignore Forth.

Forth come to a seafood restaurant by the sea. Seafood!!.. Beam's favourite exclaimed Jas knowing her brother's favourites.

Forth: Jas, you go and order the meal first. I have something to do with my car. Beam can you help me?

Jas walk into the restaurant. Forth close his car and come towards Beam.

Beam: P'Forth... What can I do you?

Forth: Beam... you know what I want?

Beam: P' just forget about that. I'm sorry P'... I shouldn't write something like that.

Beam start walking away from Forth but Forth able to grab his hand and pull towards him. Beam end up colliding with Forth. Forth uses the opportunity and hug Beam.

Forth: Beam... I want you. I miss you Beam.

Beam stay silent listening to Forth but then he just pushed away Forth's hand walk into the shop. Jas order the food she likes. All of them seat on the table and enjoy the sea breeze. Jas took her phone and start capturing the moments while the food being served. Forth glued his eyes on Beam.

Beam look at the food order by his head and shook his head. He call the waiter and place few more orders. The waiter again served the dishes order by Beam. All of them have the meal together. After they finish eating and pay for the bill. Jas suggest to go for a walk by the beach. Forth agree but Beam said he have work to do.

Jas manage him by saying just for a while. Beam just seat on the bench while Forth and Jas go for a walk. Jas hold Forth's hand and walk. Beam feel hurt, he immediately took his phone and called his best friend, Kit to change his atmosphere. While Beam communicating with Kit he feels someone laid hand on his shoulder. He turn and found Forth seat beside him. Beam ends his call and look for his sister.

Forth: She went to washroom. Beam, thank you.

Beam: For

Forth: Still remembering my favourite dish.

Beam: I order them for myself.

Forth just smile and look at Beam. Those flawless face. Forth get closer and peck a kiss on his cheek.

Beam: Forth, are you crazy?

Forth: Yes... I am for you.

Beam looks angry but he manage smile as Jas approaching them.

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