Chapter 6

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This starts when I'm in high school. I'm chubby and overweight that time my parents insist me to reduce my weight. They bring few option for me to reduce my weight. I choose swimming as the way to reduce my weight. When I ask Pha and Kit, both of them not interested in swimming. So I have to go there alone.

On my first day there I felt I made a big mistake by choosing swimming. I only able to see all fit guys with packs on their body. I feel embarrassed of my overweight body but the coach assures me swimming will help to get rid of the excess of body fat. Moreover, the swimming coach is my uncle. I feel okay to be with him rather than a stranger.

Most of the time I will be with him and I don't make friends with any one there. I only able to see the student there say something about me. I feel bad but I have to go through this to make myself healthier. My dream is to become a doctor as a doctor I need to take care of my health before advice someone else. That's the inspiration keep me there. 

After few weeks of training, I able to swim but I'm still not that perfect. My uncle couldn't spend much time with me because he has to train the athletes who go to for competition soon. Since then I am alone without any friends in the club. Thats the time I saw P'Forth. The handsome and sexiest person in the club. All girls look at him but he always focuses on his training. My uncle used to praise him for talent on everything. He seems to be perfect whether sports or studies. He is my uncle's favorite. 

While I'm looking at him he caught me staring at him. I just walk away from there to avoid the awkward feel but I am stopped by few boys. My uncle always reminds to be careful with them. They like to bully others. They approach me and ask where is my guard. I told them I don't have any guard. The guard the mean was my uncle and I told them he is busy.

They come closer to me and pinch my belly. They tease me for the extra fat I have. I just push their hand touching me. They get mad about to hit me. I'm not that weak to let them hit me. I have learned tae kwon do. I protect myself from them. This caught others attention where these boys get ashame that they couldn't do anything to me. All of them hold me and push me into the adult swimming pull where I can't manage the depth and pressure. I began to struggle and felt someone jump into the swimming. I got fainted. 

When I open my eyes I saw my uncle beside. He looks worried, I said I'm fine.  Those bullies parents were called and my uncle dismissed them from his club. The next day I become the hot topic of the club. Till that moment I think my uncle saves me but when P'Forth approach towards me ask how am I doing. My uncle informs he is one who jumps into the pool and saves me. Although many were there watching the scene none of them dare to save me because of their fear of those bullies. I thanked P'Forth and he mentions that's nothing.

Since that day my uncle asks Forth to train me. I felt happy as I could spend more time with P'Forth.  P'Forth is really a good guy. He never mentions a single word of me being overweight. He used to mention that I'm cute. Learning my intention to lose weight, he also gives me a lot of tips on weight loss.  Apart from that, we go jog together and he even brings me to the gym next to swimming club. I felt really close with P'Forth and slowly started to have a feeling for him. I used to tease Pha for having feelings on Yo but didn't reveal it. That's the moment I felt how hard it is when you fall for another guy and doesn't know what he thinks about you.

All the training start giving impact on myself. I start to reduce my body and appear much better. P'Forth always comment I'm getting more sexier. There is a moment when I run around bumping into P'Forth. Both of us fell down and he almost kisses me. I stare at P'Forth's face he looks at me and mentions "not to bump into him again not all the time he couldn't control himself. If he kisses me then I shouldn't blame him".  At first, I thought he likes me to but due to his nature to joke around. I only able to smile whenever he make such comments. I bought a lot of greetings card, gift and write a letter expressing my love towards him but none of them reach him because I do not dare to give them to him.

Towards the end of training section. Forth come to me gift me something. He told me that it would be the last day for him. He said that gift is very important and he will be waiting for the response. I'm about to open them but P'Forth said I should go home and do it. I'm really curious about the gift but I'm sad as well learning that it would be last day for me to be with him. On my way back home those bullies back. They have been waiting for me for long. Then only they revealed that upon saving me Forth had beat them badly. They wanted to seek their revenge on me. On the hurry of saving myself, I lost the gift Forth given to me.  I bring my father back to place to check but I couldn't find them.

I don't have P'Forth's number I couldn't contact him. I feel sad. I asked my uncle about P'Forth but the number he gave is unreachable. I'm extremely sad. First I lost the gift he gave. Second, I couldn't express my feeling for him. Since then none attract me like P'Forth does. I only able to think about him. I keep his pics and hope to meet him one day. 

Few year pass by, we graduated from our high school and waiting for the result from the university. The day I have been waiting for came I meet P'Forth but I meet as my sister's boyfriend...

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