Chapter 8 (Special Night)

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P'Forth doesn't stop drinking. I told my sister to take care of P'Forth but she only mentioned he will be fine. I can't see him like that. He getting out of control. At that moment, Wann the star from art faculty approach to me. She is trying to be close to me since the start of the moons and stars competition. She also won 2nd place and the popular award. I congratulate her but she mentioned that she wants to spend time with me. Those who saw us start making noise and cheers. She is famous but she just doesn't talk with everyone. I'm worried of P'Forth. When I looked back he went missing.

I excuse myself from Wann and told her I will treat her some other day. She looks upset but I have no other choice. I search around and found P'Forth. He is walking out of the pub. I hold him when he about to lose his stability. He asks me to go away from him. I told him I can't when he is such condition. He collapsed and I bring him to my house since nobody at home. My parents used to travel around for business. P'Forth smells stink. I bring him to my washroom and clean him. He gets better after the shower. I give him my clothes to wear and wash his clothes. He only able to wear one short pant. My t-shirt is to small for that muscular body.

I ask him to sleep. He stood up from the bed and hold my hand. He asked me why am I doing this to him when my sister doesn't even bother about him. I couldn't answer his question. I only able to say I care for him. Go to hell with that care !!! Cursed P'Forth. It makes scared of sudden high pitch in his voice. He looks sad.

P'Forth... I call his name few times but he didn't respond to me. He only mentions "Can you be mine for tonight". I become shocked and blank for a while. I love him but he belongs to my sister. I can't betray her. I just stand still.

Beam: P'Forth.. just sleep.

Forth: Please...

I did not agree with that but I didn't stop for what he did. We had it that night

*** Forth and Beam's night ***

Forth hold Beam's hand and hugs him. He starts kiss on Beam's cheek then proceed to his lips. The soft kiss slowly becomes more and more passionate. He then explores Beam's mouth. Beam only able to say no but he makes no effort to stop Forth from what he is doing. Forth carries him to the bed and slowly make him naked while continue kissing him. He gets on top of Beam and kisses him again. Forth make few hickeys on the neck and proceed to the nipple. The nipple was soft and pinkish. Forth bite it slowly and suck it. Beam couldn't control himself. He just holds Forth head and explores his hair. Beam moans no when Forth takes Beam's member in his hand but Forth doesn't stop his action. He gives a blow to Beam. Beam couldn't control the pleasure Forth giving him. It's electric strike pass through his body. He pushes Forth away the moment he had his orgasm. Beam doesn't want to release them in Forth's mouth. Forth understood and slowly turn Beam. Beam mention it's the first time for him. Forth took the lubricant and slowly explore Beam's hole. When he felt Beam is ready he slowly enters his member inside Beam inch by inch. Beam mention hurt and Forth stop immediately. He blows at Beam's earlobe and licks them. Forth keep playing with Beam's ear with his tongue to distract him while slowly enter his member inside him. Forth begin to increase his speed and Beam feel sensation go through his body. Forth hug Beam's body tightly as he became helpless to the pleasure both of them obtaining and cum inside Beam. Forth continue to hug Beam and kiss him. This moment Beam kisses Forth back. He hugs back and both of sleep in each other embrace.

Beam continue, The next morning, I wake up and feel the sore. I go to the washroom and refresh myself. Then only I found my sister is not around. I call and she informs me she at her friend's place. I make breakfast for myself and P'Forth. I felt guilty about what happened last night. I'm still not sure how am I going to face him. So much thought goes inside my mind. Out of suddenly, I hear something fall down. It's coming from my room. I run towards my room and shocked to see P'Forth have found the box I keep all those memories of him. Greeting card, gift and a love letter written by myself on his hand. Before I could say something P'Forth ask me to not say anything. He reads the letter and all the greeting cards. He walks towards, I'm really scared that he going to hit me or scold me but P'Forth hug me.

Forth: If you love me this much why don't you let me know earlier.

Beam: P' I don't know what you think about me.

Forth: I love you so much, idiot.

I'm happy to hear that from P'Forth. I hug him back but when I heard my sister's voice. I felt the situation not the same anymore. I arrange all my things inside the box before my sister saw them. My sister shocked to see Forth in my room but I manage her by telling P'Forth's state not good and bring home. She thanks for taking care of her boyfriend.

I let them in my room and walk to the kitchen. I feel hurt but I told myself I can manage this. Since that day P'Forth look for me. I know he loves me, I love him too but my sister loves him too. How can be the reason for my sister's break up? I prefer to be hurt rather than see her in pain. That's why I choose to ignore P'Forth. I text him many times I don't love him anymore but he didn't listen to me. Whenever he comes closer to me or I look into his eyes I couldn't mention I don't love him. That why I seek for Pha's help to avoid P'Forth but I seriously didn't expect it will affect him this much. Beam busted out as tears flow from his eyes continuously.

Note: Beam didn't elaborate on the sex to his friends

Guys thank you for support,

Let me know your thoughts and idea,
This story based on a true incident but I make some modification on gender especially.

More drama will be coming as the real story end because in reality, it was a sad ending and I don't like it.

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