Chapter 11

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Ming, Kit, Pha, and Yo feel happy as Beam realize the truth and accept Forth. The servant appears and informs Yo that his mother wants to meet everyone. He tells everyone that his mother doesn't anything about Beam or Pha so everyone just acts as came for a normal visit. Forth and Yo's mother, Mrs. Chress Thinumtom waits for them in the living hall. All of them wai at her to show their respect. She returns wai at them and asks all of them to sit. 

Chress: Ming, your parents ask you to go home with Kit this weekend. Guess they are planning for a vacation. 

Ming: Sure Maa.

Chress: So, Yo will you open your mouth or will follow the same pattern as your brother.  

Yo: Uhhh... Maa. Open about what Ma. I don't understand 

Chress: Don't understand... Okay, Maa will explain. Phana is your name right. So, What is your relationship with my son?

Yo: Maa?

Chress: Yo!!... Maa didn't ask you. 

Pha: Uhhh... hmmm

Everyone seems to be in shock. Pha just searches for a word to answer Mrs. Chress. He doesn't know whether, to tell the truth, or hide it. He looks at Yo. 

Yo: Ma... you did it again right. 

Chress: If I tell you yes... will you tell me the truth. 

Yo: So you did it.

Chress: Yes.. my dear. 

Yo: Okay... he is my boyfriend. 

Chress: Okay... good choice. 

Yo: I know I will make a good choice. 

Chress: Then, Yo How is your brother?

Yo: Ma.. since you had hired a detective to investigate about me. How would you miss doing that to you lovely son?

Chress: I asked about his status, not about his relationship. Where is Beam? I need to talk with him. 

Yo: P'Beam is with P'Forth. The sort of their misunderstanding. They are fine I guess.

Chress: Okay then... I will talk with him some other time. If can I want to meet his sister as well and all of you thank you for making Forth happy again. Forth is lucky to have a friend like you Ming same as your mother who is on my side all the time when I'm down.  

Ming: No need to thank me maa. I think it is my responsibility to make my friend happy and Forth would do the same if I have such problem. 

Mrs. Chress bring all of them to the dining room to have their supper. She asks all of them to stay there for the night. Pha and Kit mention they don't bring extra clothes. Yo tells Pha he could borrow from P'Forth or P'Ming and P'Kit can use his one. Yo feels excited she allows Pha to stay with him. She wishes everyone good night and before she left the place she inform Yo there shouldn't be any funny business in her mansion. Ming smiled at Yo and she turns to Ming and mentions same goes for you to Ming. All of them smile and she left the place. 

The next day Beam meets Mrs. Chress and gets her blessing. She asks him to take good care of his son but she didn't mention anything to Pha. Yo waits for a while but until the end, she didn't say anything about him. She only asks Pha to take good care of himself and study well. Yo couldn't control himself.

Yo: Ma... this is so unfair. 

Chress: Why son?

Yo: You asked P'Beam to take good care of P'Forth but you didn't mention anything about me to P'Pha. 

Mrs. Chress just smile looked her youngest become angry. She loved to make him angry and tease him. She hugged him and ask Pha to take good care of him. She then hugged Ming and Kit. She informs them to drive carefully. Ming brings Kit, Pha, and Yo with him. Forth bring Beam with him. Beam look sleepy because Forth doesn't let him sleep last night. There are a lot of hickeys in Beam's neck which is obviously visible but none teases him since Mrs. Chress is there. She notices them as well but she just smiles looking at cheerful Forth. Everyone bid goodbye and left the mansion. She asks them all of them to come back again whenever they have free time.

Forth drive Beam back home. He asks Beam to call him immediately if there is any problem. Initially Forth wanted to talk with Jas again in presence of Beam but Beam mentioned he wanted to handle his sister himself. Beam asked Forth to give a chance to solve this problem. Forth is afraid Jas will make any play again and make Beam change his mind that Beam assure Forth that he loves him and won't give him to anyone. Beam reaches his house and this time he asks Forth to drop him in front of his house. Forth feel surprised but he is happy to do so. Forth kiss Beam on his lips and wish him luck in handling his sister. 

Beam enter his house and found his sister waiting for him in living hall. He wishes her but she doesn't give him any reply. Before Beam moves further his sister stop him. She touches Beam's  lips. 

Jas: How it feels to get kissed by Forth? hmmm... Swollen must be good right.

Beam: P'... move your hand... are you crazy?

Jas: Ohh... hickeys as well. How is Forth in bed? Makes you feel good Beam?

Beam: P... enough. I know everything about your fake relationship with him. I love him and he loves me. I love you too but I can't sacrifice him for you since he doesn't have any feelings for him. 

Jas gets angry as Beam mention he can't sacrifice Forth. She slapped him hardly make her fingers marks on Beam's face but Beam stands in front of her firmly. Jas keep on asking him to forget Forth or she will let everyone know about his relationship with Forth. Beam's replies shock her. Beam reply that he would be happy if that happens so none will think he is going out with his sister's fake boyfriend. Jas gets extremely angry she about to slap him again but this time Beam holds her hand and said she don't have the right to beat him as he didn't do any mistake. The one who did all the mistake was her. Jas get mad, she look around and found a knife. She took the knife in her hand. 

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