Chapter 12

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Jas took the knife in her hand and Beam become panic looking at her sister aiming the knife at him. She about to stab him but she stops few inches before the knife reaches Beam's stomach. She cries looking at what she going to do her lovely brother. She drops the knife and sits down. She continues to cry and felt sad looking at his sister in such condition. He consoles her but she stand up and walks to her room. Beam afraid that P'Jas might do something bad to herself but their parents back home that time. Somehow Jas came out to wish them. Looking at her condition their mum bring her inside the room and talk.

After Beam had his dinner with his parents. Beam's mother asks him whether he can live with Forth for time being. Beam become shocked to hear Forth'ss name at that moment. Before Beam says anything his mother mention that Mrs.Chress was her schoolmate and she already told her everything.

Beam: Ma, Pa... Do you agree with my relationship?

Pa: Yes, Beam we agree since you like him. Moreover, without Mrs.Chress I and your mother won't be this successful today. She helps us a lot and never asked anything in return. The only thing she asked is to make you become her son in law.

Beam: Okay... Pa but why I have to stay with Forth. She asks for that also.

Ma: No.. Beam. That's for your sister. She said she wants to be alone for some time. I tell her everything and she understands but she said she needs time to recover.

Beam: Ma... I feel bad for P'Jas.

Ma: It's okay... she will be fine soon. Can you ask Forth whether you can stay with him?

Pa: Ma, I don't think Beam have to ask... he can directly go in and stay with him.

Both Beam's parents tease him. No words can describe Forth's happiness when Beam said he wants to stay with him. In 15 minutes Forth reach Beam's house. Eventually Forth is hanging around at the mall next to Beam's house. He just waits there since he has to go to Beam's house. Forth wishes Beam's parents and get their blessing. Beam's mother mention he looks exactly like his father. Forth ask whether she know his father. Beam's ma said yes and she used to see him during their school days when he comes to meet his mother.

Beam packed all his belongings with Forth's help and left the house after hug his parents. He wanted to meet his sister but his mother said some other time. Beam and Forth start to live together. Their life fills with full of love. One week pass by but Beam still couldn't see his sister on campus. He feels worried about her and hopes she will recover soon. At that moment Pha and Yo run towards Beam and mention his sister is applying for credit transfers and quit from the campus. Beam become shocked and run to the office. Eventually Forth also get that news and came there.

Beam: P' Jas where are you going?

Jas: Beam... I got a placement at London University. I want to continue my studies there and stay with our parents.

Beam: P... are you leaving because of me.

Jas: No Beam... I'm leaving this place for myself. I can't be on the same campus with Forth. I can't move on if I saw his face. I want to change my environment so it would change my feelings. Beam... Forth. I am sorry for what I have done. I don't know anything about your love story that begins at swimming club. I think Beam is trying to take Forth from me but in reality, I am the one doing it.

Beam: P'... That's already passed. You want to leave me.

Jas hug Beam and mentioned he has someone better to take care him. She has to go to make herself someone better. She promise Beam she will come back. Before she left the place she asks sorry to Forth and Beam again and wishes them all the best. Beam feel sad and his eyes get teary. He didn't separate from his sister from young he is just waiting for his sister to recover but he didn't expect she would take such decision. Forth don't have any hatred for Jas as he understands she did everything because of the love for him. Jas make such decision as she feels guilty of being cruel to her lovely brother. She loves him a lot but she hates herself for treating her brother like that. Forth hugs Beam and console him. 

The End...

Happy Valentine Day Guys... ❤❤❤
I will meet you guys with another Forth-Beam fan fic soon.
Thank you for the support.

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