Chapter 2

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Forth drive Jas and Beam back to their house. Beam thank Forth and left the car. Forth couldn't say anything before he left. Jas look at Forth and smile. She came closer towards Forth but he stopped her by mentioning good night and he got some work to do. She bids goodbye with a flying kiss towards him. Forth drive his car towards the playground near their house and called Beam but he doesn't answer Forth's call. Forth text him that he is waiting for him at the playground. Beam refused to meet Forth but Forth mention he won't go without meeting him. Beam stop replying Forth's text. It's been 15 minutes Beam wonder is still Forth waiting for him. He replies Forth's text asking him to go back home but Forth reply he won't without meeting him. Beam feel confused whether to go not. If he goes then it would be giving more hope to Forth but if he didn't, Forth is not moving. One thing Beam don't like about Forth is he stubborn and he won't give up. 

Beam hear the thunder sound. He opens his window and found it began to drizzle. Beam has no choice, he couldn't let Forth be in the rain. He took his umbrella and walk out his house but his sister, Jas stop him. 

Jas: Beam, Where are you now?

Beam: Just for a walk P'. I'm feeling undigested. A walk would make me feel better. 

Jas: But Beam, It's going to rain. 

Beam: P' I have an umbrella with me. 

Beam walk away from his sister mentioning he will be back in a while. He walks towards the playground hope that Forth would have left but Forth didn't. He seats on the bench looking at the cloud. Beam rush towards Forth and cover him with his umbrella. Forth is already half wet, the cold wind makes him shiver but he just seats there quietly. 

Beam: P'Forth, are you crazy? Why can't seat in the car? Don't you see it's raining now? 

Forth just reply him with a smile. He pushed Beam's umbrella that covers him. 

Beam: P'Forth, go back home. You going to get sick. 

Forth: This rain, cold wind... is still much better than what I'm going through inside. 

Beam couldn't say anything for that. He held his umbrella for Forth back. 

Beam: P'Forth, just go home, don't create any scene. It's going to rain heavily.  

Forth: Beam, you still can't understand how much you are hurting me. I don't know how long I can take it. 

Beam: P' we talk about it later. Now just go back home. 

Forth: Now itself already late. You still want to push it. 

Beam: P' please... I have a quiz tomorrow. I have to study. 

Beam mentioning them slowly in a soft tone which makes Forth to stood up from the bench. Beam walk with Forth to his car and ask him to drive carefully. Forth ask Beam to get in the car and he drives to his house. Beam doesn't want but Forth mentioned he will not move then. Forth drive to Beam's house. Before Beam opens the door. Forth pull Beam towards him and kiss him on the lips. Beam doesn't protest, he let Forth to kiss him. After a long kiss, Forth let Beam go and said good night.  Beam remind him to drive slowly and text him after he reaches his house. 

Beam walk inside his house touching his lips. He shocked to see his sister still waiting for him in the living room but luckily she had a mask on her face. Beam walk slowly but his sister stops him. She communicates with Beam but she doesn't open her eyes. Jas question how he comes back. Beam guess she must hear the car sound. He answers her he walks back home and someone stops by their house ask for a route. Beam quickly said goodnight to his sister and run to his room. He lay on his bed and thinks about Forth. He couldn't decide what to do. Only he knows how hurt he feels to see Forth in such condition. Luckily at that moment, Kit call him to clarify his doubt. Beam couldn't answer Kit exactly because he hasn't started his revision. Beam explains to Kit based on what he learned in the class. Kit thanks Beam for his sharing and end the call. He arranges all his notes and began his revision. A message pooped out. Beam guess it should be from Forth. 

Beam, I have reached home. 

Sorry for troubling you but I really can't live without you.

I love you. 

Good Night. 

Good luck with your quiz tomorrow. 

Don't sleep late...


Beam smile and return a good night message to Forth. 

The next day, Beam came out his class finishing his quiz with Pha and Kit. There he saw Forth waiting for him with Ming. Ming walks towards Kit and took his bag. Since there is no more class for them after that, Ming planned to bring Kit out with him. Kit said goodbye and go with Ming. Forth approach Beam. Pha and Beam wai at him. Forth took Beam's bag and Pha looks at them shocking. Pha only knows that Forth is dating Beam's sister. None know what is going on between Beam and Forth except Ming. 

Forth: Pha, I'm bringing your friend out. 

Pha: Okay, P'... I'm moving now. 

Beam try to stop Pha because his car still in the workshop but Forth stop him and drag Beam with him. 

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