Chapter 3

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Beam keep on asking Forth where is he bringing him but Forth remain to play silently. Beam inform Forth if he didn't mention anything he will jump out of the car. Forth stop his car at the side of the car. 

Beam: P' can you tell what are we going do here?

Forth: Beam, inform your sister that you will stay at your friend's house tonight.

Beam: Oh...Why P'?

Forth: Because you are going to spend time with me.

Beam: No way P'... I have

Forth: You are free tomorrow. Kit told Ming.

Beam: Errr.... hmm... Uhhh...  I have something important to do...

Forth hid his car steering wheel hard in frustration till his hand becomes red. Beam shocked to see such act from Forth. Beam immediately pull forths hand towards him and rub it to ease the pain. Forth get closer towards Beam and kiss lips slowly. Then, those kisses grow into a passionate kiss till both of them become breathless. 

Forth: Beam, I really need you....I'm really tensed and in such stressed situation. I don't know how to release my tension. First, the sotus hazing, I'm the head hazer and those junior creating a lot of trouble. Second, the final year project really killing us. Third your sister, she is really annoying. 

Beam: P'...!!!

Forth: I can manage all these problems but the last is the one can manage at all. Driving me crazy like hell. 

Beam: Whats that P'?

Forth: What else it's about you. Never contact me, never spend time with me. Whenever you saw me you just run away from me. Always bring thousand of reason to ignore me. 

Beam just kept his mouth quiet. He knows what Forth is saying is true. He is trying his best to avoid Forth but it is not easy for him as well. He looks at Forth and realizes, Forth is really disturbed. He even learns about Ming is busy and stressed from Kit.  Beam decided to spend time with Forth. He took his phone and called his sister to inform that he will be staying at his friend's house. A smile automatically appears on Forth's face. He comes closer to Beam and pecked a kiss on his cheek. 

Forth drive to a supermarket to buy some groceries. Jas call Forth to ask him to come over the night but Forth inform her he is busy. Beam about to say something but Forth stop him with his finger on Beam's lips. Forth mentioned not to bring any topic regarding his sister till tomorrow. Beam saw a hoofer jacket on Forth's car. It attracts him and wears it. 

Forth: Beam, what you have for dinner?

Beam: Hmmm... How about BBq? Oh, I forget P' don't the grill set. 

Forth: I already build it by the swimming pool. 

Beam: Really P'... but why?

Forth: Someone told me... the like to have bbq party by the swimming pool. 

Beam smile as he knows he the one who as Forth for that. Both of them buy all the ingredient required for their party tonight and left the place. Forth drive Beam to his house and bring him towards the swimming pool to show the setups made by him. 

Beam become amazed by the setting

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Beam become amazed by the setting. He becomes happy and hugs Forth in joy. They went to the kitchen and marinate the meat to be grill later and prepare the rest of stuff. 

By the sunset, Beam begins to grill the meat and Forth swim in the pool happily. Beam call Forth to eat. Forth appear with his swim trunk in front of Beam. Beam just stare at Forth's sexiness with those Six pack abs. Beam throw the towel to Forth so he could dry up himself. Beam bring food for Forth and give him the plate but Forth make Beam sit on his lap and eat the food. They feed each other and enjoy the sunset. Forth pull Beam towards him and kiss Beam's lips and taste them bit by bit. 

Their moment breaks down by Jas call for Beam. She called Beam and kept crying without mentioning anything to him. Beam gets worried and asks where is she now. Jas reply she is at their house. Beam says sorry to Forth and asks him to send him back home. Forth doesn't want to let Beam go but learning Jas is not in good condition he agrees to send Beam home. He drives till the corner of the house and Beam ask him to stop. Beam thanks for Forth allowing him to back home. Forth ask Beam to call him if he needs anything. Beam nodded and kiss in Forth's lips. Beam walk to his house, on the way he just thinks how happy he feels to be with Forth.

All those happiness vanished in a second after he reaches home. His sister Jas look terrible. Her face was red and her eyes fill with tears. Beam hugs her and questioned her what had happened. Jas show the picture of Forth with someone. The truth is that someone is not other than Beam. Someone saw Forth with Beam. The snap his picture and send to Jas. Since Beam was wearing Forth's hoofer jacket. It covers Beam face. Those pictures include the moment Forth hug him from behind. Beam feels devastated knowing he is the reason his sister is hurt. 

Jas: Beam, Forth is cheating me with someone else Beam...

Beam: P'... don't cry. It could be someone close to Forth. 

Beam try his best to cheer his sister and promised her to inquire about it. Jas look a bit relieved after Beam promised to investigate about Forth. Beam enter his room and close the door. He leans towards the door and tears automatically fall out of his eyes. He thinks about that happy moment with Forth and his sister's condition. Forth call Beam to ask what had happened. Beam just mention to end everything between them and not to call him again. He switched off his phone immediately. Beam feel the pain and cries... 

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