Activity Log 3: Frozen Rampage

308 11 7

3rd POV

"Quick! Get the serum!". "Hurry, he'll die!", one of the surgeons grabbed it but her hand was then held by the general, as if he wanted this to happen. "Sir, what do you think you're doing?!", she asked. "No! This is what I have always wanted!" "Sir, let's be reasonable here. If we don't inject him with the serum, he won't be the only one that dies in this room!", the scientist explained.

Eli's eyes opened widely, his claws were exposed, his heart beat was beat faster and faster, making the heart beat monitor to lag. Finally, his howl has escaped from his lungs, causing every glass to break. The general called reinforcements to handle the situation. Ten soldiers entered the room with assault rifles, aiming at the rampaging wolf humanoid. Fear was present in the soldiers' eyes, their knees shaking as if it were going to make them fall. They opened fire on the monster, but was then exchanged with a huge slash on each of their chest and face.

Screams filled the room and the walls were decorated with their blood. This shocked everyone, all 10 heavily armoured soldiers, died from one slash. They then heard the general, laughing in the corner with his head down, still the serum in his hands. He walked up to the rampaging beast without any hesitation.

"Sir! Step back! He's gonna kill you!" One of the surgeons shouted. He didn't answer with words, just more laughing. He grabbed a knife on the table. Before he could stab the wolf, he delivered a huge swing of his hand, causing the general to fly through the supposedly intact bulletproof one-way mirror, with the serum out of his hands.

The female scientist caught it before it could land and break. She sighed of relief and got up on her feet. She was then met with heavy breathing that came from on top of her. It was him, looking down at her, calmly. She tried to keep calm as well, closing her eyes, hoping not to end up like the soldiers. She felt a soft, warm, hair like hand on her face, a gentle cup on her cheek. She looked at his wolf like face that she had gave.

Tears started to run down her chin. "I'm sorry... so, so sorry... I can never forgive myself for what we- no, what I have done to you. I wish I could revert you back to nor-" a warm hug cut her off. She then started to sob more and more, finally returning the hug. His body suddenly fell to the ground without notice, only to made the scientist realise that he had took the serum away from her. She knelt down to watch the effects closely.

Eli's snout first changed. From a big wolf-like to a long fox-like muzzle. His ears grew slightly bigger, so does his tail. His biceps and torso grew slightly smaller, but still showed every corner of his muscles. His thigh did the same thing, but still gives him the benefit to run fast. Finally, his fur colour; from a midnight black to a sunset orange. White showed from his muzzle to the bottom of his abdomen and bottom part of his tail. Two black tick-like shapes formed on each side of his face. One upside down under his eye and an upright on his cheek.

The arms and hind legs weren't different; . His ears were black with a white tip, which finally leaves to the most interesting part; the tail. It has a curved black line to separate the orange from the white, and a black circle with white in the middle of it. However, the most interesting feture to her is his oceanic cyan blue eyes. Just by looking at them, she felt like as if she was on a beach, in the sunset, with the water on her feet. So calming, so majestic.

"Ow..." His awakening surprised the female scientist. "Whe... Where am I?" He asked, thus making her confused. Eli started to look around and found the person that he can ask his questions.

"Hi. Er... Where am I?" He asked again.
"Y-you don't remember?"
"Remember what?"
"We... experimented on you by taking you to this army base, and uhh... we did something wrong and fixed it."
"O...kay? Well, what happened here?"
"You went full on rampage, that was the part we had to fix and-"

Tears started to form in his eyes and run down his cheek. He just couldn't bare and understand how he could have done such disaster.
"I...I did this? name. I.. I can't remember my name!"
"It's Eli! Eli Soshi. That's your name."
She said to stop him panicking.

"Professor!" Shouted the surgeons. "Did it work? Did the serum work?" One of them asked. "See for yourself." She stepped aside to give them all a look. "Amazing." All of them began to feel his fur both roughly and softly. "This is a scientific breakthrough! We have to tell everyone!" A surgeon said. "I... don't think that's a good idea, I mean... Look around you, I did something terrible even I don't know how I did it!" Eli exclaimed.

"He does have a point, but, what are we going to do to him?" one of them asked. The female scientist had an idea, but none of them are going to like it. "We cryotube him. We can preserve his body and set it up like an alarm where it's finally safe outside." The surgeons started to argue to the fact that her plan is ridiculous. But not to Eli.

"She's right. Put me to sleep."

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