Activity Log 14: Barfight

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1st POV

It's been hours. We still haven't heard from Kiki, the doctors, or that stranger. Manny and Jerry are still sleeping in the car, and here I am, in the lobby, by myself. "I really hate to see a guy like you sitting with yer lonesomeness." I turned to my right to see the stranger. "How is she?", I asked. "She's fine. She only suffered a broken arm and leg, a rib, and a collapsed lung. But either way, she's a fighter."

"That's a lot of injuries." "It really is. That crash must've been horrible in an even closer experience. What were you two racing for anyway? For fun?", She asked. "Just some stupid bet." "Doesn't seem stupid if you were involved. C'mon, tell me.", she sat right beside me. "The facility, which I woke up in, holds a lot of weapons. She's a scavenger, so she wants them. She made a bet including a race at night, I said no and we do it tomorrow, I restored two cars in one night, chose one of them. And I think you know the rest."

"That must've been quite an episode.", she added. "Oh, look, her sister's coming back." Kiki was walking towards us slowly with crossed arms and a worried look. "How're you holding up, Kiki?", I asked. "P-pretty... good. Have you reactivated Korra?"

"Oh, right! I forgot about her. Hold on a sec...", I tap the earpeace to reactivate her, and then a loud voice appeared. "TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH, ELI!" Ow! Shit! That hurt! "Oof, even I heard that one from here.", Kiki said in a chuckle. At least she's smiling again. "Well, it's nice to see that frown of yours finally turned upside down.", the stranger said. "By the way, I know this bar not far from here and they got some good grub, too. Wanna come with?", she added.

"Sure!", I answered. "Kiki, how about you?" "I-I think I'll stay.", she answered. The two of us went to the parking lot to get my car and get going. After we arrive, a note was placed and read, 'Eli, Jerry and I are going back to the market. The place where you found us. Don't worry, were just gonna do some errands. Manny. P.S.: We had a nice sleep here. What was inside those seats?'.

"Huh. Well, how 'bout that?", I got into the car and start the engine. Same on the cowgirl's mech. I followed her to the bar which was called, 'Andy's Bar and Cafe'. "Sounds fancy.", I said. We got in  through the swinging doors. She went in first, and caused the crowd to go silent. She let go of the doors and caused me to fall back from the blow of the impact. Of course, everyone laughed.

I got up with the sound of broken pieces of my dignity, moving around inside of me. We both walked towards the bar and sat on the barstool. She raised her hand up to call the barista, which I think is Andy. "Ah, Sharpwhisker. The usual?", he asked. "Eyup." "One Saddleknocker, coming right up. And what about you, fox? Clearly you're not from around here. And you gave quite an entrance."

I slammed my forehead onto the bar. "Aww, cheer up. How about a classic breakfast for the two of you?". We both nod. "Great! Joey! Two classic B Specials, STAT!", he yelled at the chef. "Alright, mate! You could've just wrote it on a note or something! Ya don't have to be a cunt about! Monkas!", the kangaroo yelled. While we waited, the cowgirl and I had a chat.

"So, Sharpwhisker?", I asked. "I'm a sharpshooter around here. The best of the best, they said. But, I don't like to be praised by the people here. So, rescuing the town from thugs taking their gold gave me the so called 'righteous' title. And so, my story has been told, and it's your turn. Where yer' from?"

"Well, it depends, do you know the abandoned facility on top of the hill?"

She spat her drink from surprise and coughed from the chocking of the concoction. "Hey, are you alright?", I asked in worry. "You came from there?! That facility?! That means scavengers been trying to get to you this whole time?", she yelled.

"Get to me? What are you talking about?". "Decades ago, a farmer was digging through hills to see if there were any treasures inside of one. Some people thought he was crazy. But one day, he dug through one and hit some sort of metal. He cleared away the rest and found a metal door. It required a palm recognition, so he couldn't get in. At least, not alone. He asked for help from the miners who were looking for metal in deep caves. He showed him the door and they started working."

"Wow...", I was mesmerized. All this happened when I was asleep! "And then what happened?", I asked.
"Well...", her face droops down after I asked. "They... they were gone. No traces whatsoever. This story became a legend! And now, people think it's just a hoax. As if it never happened."

"That's just wild.", I said. The fact that she seems to be so into it made me curious. It's like as if she put her whole life into it. Then, I felt a huge hand holding my shoulder. I looked back to see a huge warthog with a biker gang outfit. "You tryna act funny? Fox?", he said with a stern look. "N-no? I really did came from the-", before I could finish my sentence, he pulled me of the stool, causing me to be thrown back to the floor near the bar's entrance.

Everyone's attention suddenly focused on me. I got up slowly to ease the brusing. "Square up! FOX!", he smashed his beer mug and ran up to me with the now lethal weapon in his hand. My heart starts to pump faster every step he takes. I suddenly lost control of my body and slid under him, between the legs.

I grabbed his corkscrew like tail, causing him to lose balance. I stood up and got up to his shoulders facing him, locking my legs in place mid way. I threw myself back with my legs tensing up, which made him to do a front roll with a huge thud. I got up with my hand formed into a fist. But before I could do something, I have control of my body again.

I could tell that I was the center of attention. Their eyes, all looking at me. I can feel my heartbeat getting faster again. I can't let this happen again. Just not again! I felt a pat on my back and I look to see who it was. Sharpwhisker. "Alright! Ya definitely showed him who's boss! Take 'em away, boys!".

Five people emerged from the tables and threw the hog outside instead of me. Everyone cheered. "I... I don't understand.", I said to Sharpwhisker. "Whaddya mean? You're the bar's hero now!". I still showed a confused expression. "Alright, let me break it for you. That warthog was drunk for a straight month. Usually people try to remove him but ended up getting their asses kicked. You're the only one that succeeded!"

"Whoa... I never thought of being called a hero before." I wondered. The barista formed a smile on his face while looking at me. "That was amazing! And thank you so much for getting rid of that bastard. He's been drinking anything that's available as long as it's alcohol. Say goodbye to his liver, am I right?". The both of us nodded. "I realized he hasn't payed for those drinks. Let me repay you.", Sharpwhisker insisted. "I appreciate the help, but it's a five grand tab.". The barista pointed out. "F-five grand?! Well, shit."

Eli, I just checked the mobile device's data files and there's a form of currency it holds. "And you suggest?" If we have an electronic apparatus that can transfer the money to the barista, it just might work.

"I believe I could help." I butted in. "My A.I. said my phone holds a form of currency. So, if there's a way I could find a way to transfer the money to you, I could help." I explained. "Well, I do have an old cashier register that can... But I don't know if it still works."

"Give it a try.", Sharpwhisker said.

The barista went under the bar to grab the said cash register. He lifted it with slight difficulty. He put it on top of the bar and blew the dust away and hit both me and Sharpwhisker, covering us with who knows hold of a dust. He plugged it in and pressed the power button. It lit. The barista typed 5000 cr for the amount of payment I have to pay.

"Okay, I think you just have to tap your device against the magnet.", he instructed. I did what he told me. The phone's screen lit from blue to green, indicating that the transfer is successful. "There you go!", the barista said happily. "Your remaining credits are... HOLY SHIT!". His yell made everyone in the bar turn to him. "14,996,000 credits! You're basically the richest person in the town!", he shouted.

"SHH! Pipe down! You're gonna get him in trouble!", Sharpwhisker whispered to the barista. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see a wolf in a black leather biker jacket. "I'll race you for that money."



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