Actuvity Log 8: Hide n Seek

213 8 15

3rd POV
The car started without a noise, Eli then realizes that it's an electric. The car then accelerates without his foot on the gas. The car accelerates through the basement towards the exit. The doors were closed so it started to panic Eli. "Um, Korra? The door?!" He warned. "Oh, right!" She realized and opened the door virtually.

The light from outside was so bright that Eli had to cover his eyes. Once they were out of the facility, Eli forgot about the changes. "HERE WE GOOO-OOH SHIT!!!" Korra cursed from the realization that they were falling high. 34 meters high to be exact. The XRC was doing a nose dive until the front wheels touched the island's no longer water covered shore wall. They were doing a 34 meter and 45° angle dive.

They're traveling so fast that Korra disengaged the motors and only focused on brakes. "I forgot about the changes here!" Eli told Korra. "You WHAT?!" She exclaimed. "What changes?!" She asked angrily. Thankfully the car started driving on the salt flats with a 0° angle. "So, about those changes..."  Korra reminded him. Eli felt guilty because he forgot the geological changes on Earth while he was asleep. So, he started explaining.
"Well, while I was asleep, the Earth's geological state was changing. The water levels drained back down 34 meters. The US and Japan made man-made islands for themselves, and North Korea and South Korea became just Korea." He hoped Korra understands and believes him. "Wow, and all this happen while you were asleep?" She asked.

"Yeah." Eli confirms with truth in the tone. "In one night? Two words, my friend; bull, shit. There's NO WAY something like that would happen THAT fast." She said in disbelief. Eli couldn't believe that she would think that. "Wh-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! Not one night! 124 years!" He exclaimed. Korra was dumbfounded. She didn't knew that he was asleep for 124 years. She felt stupid.

"Oh... I-I knew that. I totally knew that." She lied. "Maybe the stolen files effected your mem-" Before Eli could finish his sentence, a vehicle nearly got t-boned by them. Korra stopped the XRC's wheels, causing it to slide like a board on a boiling alley. It took 5 seconds for them to make a full stop.

"That was a close one." Korra said. Eli has a feeling that the person who was driving must've been the hostile from the facility. "It's her." He mumbled. "What was that?"Korra asked. "It's HER! The intruder! Give me the wheel!" He demanded. "Got it!" Korra gave Eli the steering.

He stepped on the gas hard that both Eli and Korra could hear it. The four wheels started to spin suddenly that the sand shot out from behind from not getting the grip with the wheels. The pads started to dig into the sand and cause Eli to get pushed back into his seat. The momentum would knock a normal person out. The XRC's acceleration is 0.7 to go up to a speed of 100kmh or 60mph.

The XRC was traveling fast. 450kmh fast. They were closing into the hostile. Eli was so eager to kill her with her own knife Eli brought back. "Korra, can you give me a close up on what she's riding on?" Eli asked.

"Already ahead of ya. I scanned her car while we where a click away from her. She seems to be riding on a '69 Dodge Charger with a 7.4 litre, 782 horsepower V8. I also found the stuff she stole from the facility. We can camouflage, you get out and steal back the stuff, and we can PIT manuver her and cause her to barrel roll her." She suggest.

"No, I doubt she's working alone. Let's just camouflage, stop by her tracks, exit the XRC, keep an eye on her, break into her HQ, and maybe steal back our stuff and kill her after." Eli suggested. "Good idea. Activating Camouflage." The XRC becomes unseen.

They finally arrived at a Wild West looking Las Vegas type of suburb. The place looked like as if it was a Mad Max adaptation of Westworld. But the people looked different. This shocked both Eli and Korra. The people weren't only human, but some were also anthrophomorphic like Eli.

"Korra, you seeing this?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am. Looks like you're not the only one." Korra stated.

Eli stops the XRC. "Hold on, Eli." Korra stopped him. "What is it?" "The cockpit you're sitting in has an EXO suit. It's compatible with your outfit. The seat you're sitting on is actually the suit. Sit properly with your hands on the arm rest and let me pinpoint the suit's limbs to yours." She suggested. He did what Korra told.

Eli exited the cockpit and start following the hostile from the rooftops. She parked the Charger behind a shady warehouse. Typical, he thought. Jeez, if you see someone enter a shady looking warehouse, it's obvious that's where a shady group either does a meet or kills someone. Eli forgot Korra also gave him an earpeace and he brought the phone from the steering wheel.

He then landed on a building next to the warehouse. Alright, jump on to the roof of the warehouse and try to see what's down there with the phone's night vision. I'll mark the primary hostile. "Got it." He agreed. Eli jumped on to the roof of the warehouse. The roof has a glass ceiling that thankfully isn't covering the whole roof. It's also foggy and dirty that the sunset doesn't go through the glass much.

He looked down the glass to see who else is in the warehouse. When Eli looked down, he can already confirm that she isn't the only one. He could hear the sound of a crowd of people. "Korra, this isn't a warehouse, this is a mall." What?? That means they're using the warehouse as a place where people go buy stuff from the stores, in the warehouse? I guess that's one way to reduce, reuse, and recycle. She joked.

"Alright, new plan. I'm gonna go down there and be hidden in plain sight. She doesn't know what I look like, but she's seen the tech in the facility, so I'll put the EXO suit here and when I give you the sign, you control the suit to come to me. Got it?" He asked. "Got it." Korra answered. "Be careful down there."


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