Activity Log 10: Talk

164 9 10

3rd POV
Nikki realised that Eli was still topless and started looking at his chest and abdomen's crevices that indicates him that he is not only a healthy, young man, or in Eli's case, old.

He later then saw where here eyes were looking. Is she... Checking me out?, he thought. He quickly puts on his tight hoodie, even though it  didn't solve the problem.

"Umm... Earth to Nikki? You in there?" Jerry said, trying to get her attention back, and surprisingly did snapped her back to reality. "Huh? Wha-? Oh, right! So... Uhh... I was wondering... Do you wanna, I dunno, get something to eat?" She asked Eli.

He was shocked! Why would SHE, want to grab something to eat, with ME?!, he thought. "M-me? Well..."

Eli, go on, we can gain her trust and steal those files back behind her back. Korra suggested.

"I would, but... I-", he was then caught off by Nikki. "Oh, if you're wondering about the bill, don't worry. Dinner's on me. Especially you two." She said pointing at the other two men beside him.

"Sure." "I could go for something to bite on." Both Jerry and Mr. Manifique answered.

"Alright! It's settled. Come upstairs with us,... Eli was it?" She asked. "Yeah.", he confirmed.

Good job, you earned their trust. Now we play the waiting game. I'll fly the drone from outside. It'll be carrying the suit. It's light, so it's easy fly it. When the time is right, I'll launch the drone through the window. I've also scanned the area and marked potential hostiles. Good luck.

Great, now she has more quirks and features than a family smart car. He thought. They entered a teppanyaki restaurant on the highest floor that was full of other things like Nikki. "Welcome to Hitari's Teppanyaki. The best teppanyaki restaurant in the area. Possibly the best in the world!" Nikki exclaimed.

"You praise me too much, Nikki-san!" A mysterious voice was heard from the other end of the room. "Hitari! My ma- I mean, woman! What's up?! How's the business running?" She greeted and asked her.

"Not bad. Would've been better if you brought me back the scrap metal I told you to get from that rachet, old abandoned facility." She answered. Eli's eyes widened after he heard that last part in the sentence, but he needs to make sure. However, Jerry did it for him.

"Facility? From which area is that? Must've been a scrap haven."

"It is! But I had to take out a bunch of robots to escape. One of them said, 'Oh, no! You took me down, but I won't let you get what's behind this door or some shit.' or whatever bullshit it did." Nikki explained. Eli clenched his fists when she mocked Robert's dying words.

Calm down, Eli. If you blow of some steam right now, you'll blow your cover. Wait till I give the signal. Korra suggested in the earpeace.

Hitari then realized the young humanoid fox behind the group. "Oh, and who is this, young, gentleman here?" Nikki answered. "Oh, yeah! Hitari, this is Eli! Manny chose him as his partner in his new trick with the magnetic lube. "What?? And you didn't show me?", Hitari asked Manny. He shrugged, leaving her disappointed.

"So, about those scraps...", she asked.

"I can show them to you now. We just need a place to sit."

"I know just the place to sit. Follow me.", told Hitari.

They all followed her all the way to the back of the room where a teppanyaki table is placed with covers as long as the top half of an average person to obtain privacy like a ramen shop in a street corner. They all sat down while Hitari stayed standing up on the other side of the grill. "Alright! Here it is!" , Nikki laid down the scraps by pouring it out of her bag.

Everyone were shocked. Decapitated heads and other scrap metal layed down on the unheated grill. Hitari spread and organized them to differentiate value and use. "Let's see, 5 heads, 17 pieces of shredded carbon fiber, old copper wires and... SD cards? Why'd you bring them?" She asked.

"SD cards? I thought they were processors." Nikki said in confusion. "Well, clearly they're not. SD cards store information and storage. Processors, however, are attached to the motherboard. They're used to execute commands in a computer." Manny explained.

"What kind of facility did you broke into again?", Jerry asked. BANG! Goes the sound of the table getting stabbed by a knife, familiar to Nikki. "Military." Eli answered. The thugs didn't want to be part of the conflict, so they  left. He looked at Nikki with a glare. "Where'd you get that?", Nikki asked with suspicion. "The same place you left to put in one of those robots you took down. And one of them was a FRIEND.", Eli answered. "KORRA, NOW!!"

The window near them broke as an EXO suit with weapons attached to it flew into the room and jumped and attached to Eli's back, attaching its limbs to his. "If you don't mind, I'll be avenging my friend, thank you very much."


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