I was kidnapped? {Janoskians and O2L}

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Bold means thoughts.

Italics means narrating.

"Ow! watch where you're going!" I growl looking at the person who bumped into me.

Hi my names ______. I don't swear much, I don't like it....

"Mother fucker, didn't even fucking say sorry. Stupid asshole."

I think it's rude and I'm someone who doesn't talk to people...

"Hey look at that guy over there I'm gonna go talk to him, he seems nice."

I'm not violent, I never get angry and I'm not really that sarcastic....

"Look at that stupid couple over there, eating each others ears. Get a room. Shit, someone's just started talking to that guy! I'm so pissed off I'm gonna punch a wall!"

....So peaceful...


"Flight 37 ready for takeoff." The intercom blares, shit that was my flight!
I rush to my gate, getting my passport checked on the way before I rush down the ramp onto the plane, saying hi to the
flight attendants as I pass by them. I sit down in my seat and not three seconds later someone crashes down in the seat
next to me.
"Excuse me? That was rude." I exclaimed, very pissed off.
"Oh hey, sorry 'bout that I'm just really tired." He smiles and turns towards me. I almost almost gasp. He looks almost
exactly like Taylor Lautner.
"Don't worry I'm just a little tired myself, sorry I snapped at you." I smile a genuine smile.
"It's fine, I'm used to it."
We talk for about an hour and he helps calm me down when we lift off....Yes I'm afraid of heights and planes...Shut up.
I wake up to the sound of the intercom.
"I would like everyone to put up their tables and put your belongings in your bag."
I do as they say, folding up the small table in the seat in front of me.
"Now everyone, stay calm we are here to find someone to come with us, one of you are going to be coming with us."
I turn to Jack, yes that is his name, sadly it's not Taylor Lautner. I give him a strange look and he just shrugs his
shoulders in response. I hear a bang and the door to the cockpit slams open, five men stepping out, each of them holding guns...holy shit, they're holding guns. Four of them walk by me without a glance my way. I let out a sigh of relief. The last guy stops in front of me and Jack. A black bandanna covers the bottom half of his face and a black beanie is covering all of his hair, ears and his eyebrows. His eyes stare right into mine and A shiver runs down my spine. He turns and walks towards the other four and tells them something. They all turn towards me and walk down the isle towards my seat. They all stop and look at me. One by one they all nod then go back towards the cockpit. The door shuts and we hear a voice over the intercom again.

"We have found someone to come with us. When the plane lands we will get off and half an hour after you will get off
the plane. We have already made sure that there is no service on your phones where we land so you cannot call for help."
I shiver again and stare wide eyed at Jack, I already know they chose me. He smiles and gives me a hug. Luckily I got his
number so if I escape he can help me.
I should be scared but I'm not. I should be hyperventilating, but I'm not. I wanted some action in my life and I think I
got my wish, as crazy as it is.
The men walk out of the cockpit and towards my seat. They look at me and signal that I get up. I just glare at them. I
know, bad idea, oh well. I turn to Jack and give him a hug and he hugs me back, whispering in my ear to stay safe. I nod
and stand up, walking into the isle. One of the men holds a knife to my back and guides me to the exit.
We get out of the airport and they Guide me to a van with tinted windows.
"Well that's not suspicious"
They open the back and push me in. One of the men get in behind me and the doors close,the sound of the lock clicking
doesn't even worry me. The back of the van is empty except for a small light in the ceiling, without it the van would be thrown into darkness. I sit down, my back leaning against one of the sides as the van starts moving. The other man in here with me sits against the opposite wall, looking at me. After about five or ten minutes he sighs and pulls down the cowboy style bandanna covering the bottom of his face. I see a lip ring glinting in the light but I don't question it. He then pulls the beanie up more so I can see the front of his brown hair sticking out. He sees me staring and smirks.
"What, you like what you see?" He laughs lightly and I just glare at him and lie down. Even though he's cute doesn't
mean I'm totally going to forget that they're kidnaping me. Wait, did I just call him cute? Shit _____ don't think like
that. I fall asleep wondering where they're taking me.
"Yo wake up sleeping beauty." I Groan and try to go back to sleep until I remember where I am. Shit. I sit up really
quickly almost knocking heads with the guy that has the lip piercing, he's leaning right over my face. I squint my
eyes, trying to see were I am. I hear a click and the doors of the van open and someone grabs my arms and pulls me out.
Just before a bag is put over my head, I catch a glance of the scenery. We're in the middle of nowhere, fields surround three sides of a rundown five story apartment building. That's all I was able to see before everything went black.

I was kidnapped? {Janoskians and O2L}Where stories live. Discover now