Im alive

413 13 18

"um okay, but I want some answers too." I look at the door and then back at Kian.

"Sure of course!" He points to the bed. "Sit."

I walk over to the bed with the limp still prominent in my step. I lower myself onto the bed and Kian sits next to me.

"First off, I have a question for you, then you can ask me anything." Kian looks straight into my eyes and I advert my own gaze to my hands. "Why do you have a limp."

I look back up at his face but his expression hasn't changed. "What? Oh. Well Jai stabbed me here, and here." I point to my two wounds.

"Jai too! I leave for a few days and I come back and everyone's torturing you! Does Beau know about this!" He yells and stands up.


"Urggg... Sometimes he can be so stupid. He's probably off getting drunk." He starts pacing back and forth in front of the bed.

"Can I ask you a few questions now?"

He stops pacing and comes to sit down next to me again.

"Yep. Go ahead." He smiles at me and it gives me more confidence.

"Okay, so who is looking for me?"

"His names Chris."

"Chris who?" I look slightly confused, a name doesn't help, I need a description.

"Chris Collins and his crew. Crawford Collins, Jake foushee and Brent Rivera."

"Why do they want to kidnap me?" I have so many questions to ask but each answer just makes me more confused.

"That's what we don't know, but he will probably kill you, or worse, torture you for fun." Kian frowns slightly then adds, "he used to be our friend."

"Who's the leader of this 'group'?"

"Me and Beau."

I nod my head then ask a question that's been bothering me for a while. "Why did you bring Clay into this?"

"Who's Clay?"

Well at least I know he wasn't the one that gave that order. "My best friend. Jai almost killed him."

"What! Oh good god, we'll have to give him the medicine."

"The what!" My eyes widen, are they going to kill him!

"The medicine just makes you forget the past few days, don't worry it doesn't hurt."

I nod my head. "How long am I going to be here for?"

"Long enough that you'll need a new change of clothes. No offence but you stink."

"I wonder why." I roll my eyes but the smile on my face shows that I'm not mad.

"Well then let's go shopping. But first, you need a shower." He points to the bathroom and I smile lightly.

"I'll be fifteen minutes." I reply just before I close the washroom door.


Okay so I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in three weeks but like I said I hate using my phone to update and since I was on vacation I didn't bring my laptop.

Thank you so much @krystellebanfield and @javiiwalker for commenting on my last chapter and giving me some new ideas.

I'm also sorry that this chapter's so short but I wanted to post something.

Do you guys like the new cover? I made it myself:3 If you don't like it then I could always change it back.


Have a good day/night<3

SONG OF THE DAY: Happy Little Pill-Troye Sivan

I was kidnapped? {Janoskians and O2L}Where stories live. Discover now