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I run through a hole in the brick wall and up a flight of stairs. Stopping at the sixth floor, I run into the hallway. I slow
to a walk as I open a door to a room with no furniture except for a couch in the corner. There's a small window facing
the place where we started. I walk over to it and look down at Luke.



"I wonder what building he'll go into first? Shit! I'm so stupid! He'll probably come to this one since it's closest!"
"200!!" He yells before opening his eyes and running towards the building I'm in. Maybe there's fire exit stairs I can use
to get down to the ground, then I could run to the other building. I run back over to the stairs and up to the highest
floor. Nobody really knows this but....well... I'm afraid of heights.... but being the person I am, I don't think of the
consequences until I actually notice what I'm doing. I walk over to a smashed window and look up. I see a ledge I could
grab and pull myself up. I push away any glass left on the windowsill and climb up onto it. I reach for the ledge and just
as I grab it with both hands, the ledge I was standing on collapses beneath me, leaving me at the top of a fourteen floor
building, the only thing keeping me alive are my hands gripping the roof above me. Shit. I look down and finally notice how high up I am. I start to get dizzy so I look back up. I try to stand on the window but it is just out of my reach. I feel my hands slip and just as I'm about to fall I feel someone grab my wrists. My
hands are shaking and I have my eyes squeezed shut, not wanting to see how high up I am. I stop shaking when I hear a
"How stupid are you to just go hanging off a building? Is it your way of working out or something?" I open my eyes and
look at the guy standing before me.
"W-Who are you?" I ask, he wasn't playing the game so why was he here?
"I'm Ricky and yes, I am playing Manhunt too." Ricky smiles, answering exactly what I was thinking. "Beau invited me
and my friends to play too, but we got here a little late." I nod my head and slowly stand up. I look over the edge of the
building, finally seeing how high up I was.
"Shit, I'm pretty stupid." I laugh lightly and scratch the back of my neck. "Soo.... Do you maybe want to team up with
me?" I ask not thinking he'll say yes.
"Of course! I was just going to ask you that!" He replies and grabs my arm, pulling me to the other side of the building.
He lets go of my arm and jumps off the building.
"Ricky!" I yell and run to the edge and look down. I see him standing on the emergency exit stairs, smiling up at me.
"Holy shit, I thought you died. Please don't do that again!" I breathe out a sigh of relief. He reaches a hand up to me and I grab it, hopping down. "Now, let's GO!" He yells, running down the stairs.
"SHHHH! Not so loud, Luke might hear you!" I yell after him.
"What might I hear?" I whip around and see Luke standing there, smirking.
"Shit." I say and run down the stairs as fast as I can. I hear footsteps getting closer and closer to me. Ricky is standing
on the ground, waiting for me. I'm half a floor above the ground so, behind who I am, I decide to jump off. That was
actually a really good idea. I roll as I hit the ground before I start running, trying to catch up to Ricky who is running about ten feet in front of me. I turn and see Luke catching up to us. We reach the second building and we run through the door, shutting it behind us as we run up the stairs.
"Over here!" I hear someone yell from a room on the first floor. We run in and see fuck all.
"Where?" I whisper and I hear something by the cabinet, the only thing in the room. The cabinet moves revealing a small cubbyhole. Me and Ricky run over to it and climb in. Someone moves the cabinet over the hole, making it almost
pitch black. Me and Ricky sit down with our backs against the wall. The cubbyhole is small so I feel another body
-that's not Ricky's- next to me. I try to move to a more comfortable place but I stop when I hear noises on the other side
of the cabinet. After a few minutes it stops and we hear footsteps walking away. The cabinet moves slightly to let in some
light and I look at who was in here with me and Ricky.
"Jai?" I ask, not sure if it's him.
"Yup." He replies and leans back against a wall.
"Thanks." I say wrapping my arms around my legs, curling into a ball.
"Are we just going to wait here?" I ask, quickly getting bored.
"Well, you can go if you want but I'm staying here." Jai replies, staring at a wall.
"Ricky?" I look over at him and see that he's already looking at me.
"Nope, I'm not going out there." He says shaking his head.
"Fine then, I'll go myself." I grumble before pushing the cabinet out of the way.
"Stay safe." I hear someone say just as I push the cabinet back into place.
I walk to the door and look out, making sure Luke isn't close by. I hear someone walking on the floor above so I run as fast as possible to the door. It's gotten really foggy and as I walk out the door I put my hand in front of my face. I can just
see the outline of my hand, that's how foggy it is. I walk about ten meters forward but stop when I see something in front
of me. I squint and gasp, I think it's a person.
"I hope it's not Luke."
I turn around but before I can run something wraps around my waist and just as I try to scream, a hand covers my mouth.

I was kidnapped? {Janoskians and O2L}Where stories live. Discover now