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Please read the A/N at the end of the story.

"C-Clay?" I stare wide eyed at my best friend hanging by his hands on a wall.

"What did you do to him!" I scream at sam as I run to Clay.

"It wasn't me. It was the rest of them but I need to tell you something else." I hear him sigh as he walks over to me. "I wanted to show you this because they're going to show you him tomorrow and I want you to be prepared. Pretend you don't know who he is because if they know you know him then they will hurt him so you'll do what they say."

"And why would you want to help me!" I yell at sam still pissed that he let this happen.

"Because I don't want him to die. I used to be his friend too...then something happened." He sighs and kneels down beside me.

I nod and look back up at Clay. My best friend Clay Borrell is being held prisoner by these creeps and I can't do anything about it. I wipe away my tears and sigh. Clay is unconscious and covered in blood.

"He's not gonna wake up for a while, right." I ask slowly standing up.

"No not for a while."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I sit up and groan. I look around the room and notice that I'm on the floor.

"Why the hell was I sleeping on the floor." I groan and stand up.

Just as I sit down on my bed Luke bursts through the door.

"Let's go!" He yells and grabs my arm, pulling me out the door.

A blindfold is put over my head and I'm lead to where I think Clay's room is.

"Hold on to me." He tells me and I wrap my arms around his neck.

He picks up my legs and puts them around his torso. I hold on tightly because I know we are most probably going to descend the ladder and I don't want to fall. After thirty seconds we stop moving so I get off Luke. He guides me somewhere and then pushes me on the floor. I immediately pull the blindfold off and look around the room. My eyes widen when I see Jai holding a knife to Clays neck.

"Do you know who this is?" Luke asks me, picking me up and holding a knife to my own neck.

"No." I say a little to quickly.

Luke presses the knife to my neck and opens the wound Jai made yesterday. "Lies."

"I told you! I don't know who he is!" I yell starting to worry he might hurt me or Clay.

Jai rips the blindfold off of Clays head.

"_-____?" He says looking at me confused. "Why are you here?"

"So you were lying." Luke says and pushes the knife even deeper into my skin.

"So what if I was! it's not like I like him! I hate him!" I feel bad for saying that but I need him to look like I broke his heart or they won't believe me.

"W-What." Clay looks like he could just fall apart right there. I felt so bad.

"Ya, I never liked you, your just so annoying." I glare at him but inside I feel like crying.

"Well if you don't like him then you won't mind if I do this." Jai pushed the knife into his neck and blood instantly pours out. It looks like it needs stitches or he could bleed to death.

"Just let me go, I seriously don't care." I roll my eyes.

"Fine, let's go Luke." Jai pushes Clay onto the ground and Luke lets me go. They walk through the door and right when it closes I rush over to Clay.

"Clay, I'm so sorry. If I didn't pretend to hate you they could have killed you." I say trying to keep my voice from cracking.

When he doesn't answer I roll him onto his back. His eyes are squeezed shut and blood is trickling out the side of his mouth.

"Oh no." I say and rip the bottom of my crop top off and push it onto his neck. I know you need to put pressure on a wound like this but if I push to hard I could make him choke. While holding the cloth to Clays neck, I roll him onto his side so if there's any blood stuck in his mouth it will come out so he doesn't choke on it.

"I'm so so so sorry." I say trying to not cry. "Please don't die on me. I don't want your last thoughts to be that I hate you. I love you like my own brother."

"I-I forgive you." He opens his eyes and I sigh in relief.

The door bursts open behind us and James grabs my shirt and pulls me up. "Come on let's go now."

"No! Fuck off!" I yell in his face.

"Excuse me?" He says clearly pissed off.

"You don't think I'd leave someone dying! even if I hate them!" I yell. "Just get someone to help him!"

"If you do as I say I will get someone to help him." I nod my head and he pulls out his phone.

He texts someone and he puts his phone back in his pocket. Two minutes later Sam comes through the door with a first aid kit. He walks over to Clay and starts to fix his neck. I know that since he 'helped' me last night I can trust him to help Clay. I let James pull me out of the room and slip a blindfold over my eyes.



Hey guys thank you so much for 150 reads! I wanted to tell you about a story by luvlinddy299 called Lost For Love. It's about a girl named Mary and she is dating Austin Mahone and one day Mary sees something that will change her life. It also includes viners and O2L. I read it and was instantly hooked so if you guys wouldn't mind, do you think you could go check it out? You can also private message her about having a spot in her story! You can choose to be either Cameron's gf, Taylor's gf, Jc's ex, Ricky's sister, Ricky's gf, Connors gf, Trevor's gf, Trevor's sister, Austin Ms sister, Nash's ex or Shawn's ex! Have a good day/night.<3

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