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"What?" I look at him with a puzzled expression.
"Behind you!" Kian drops the bags and starts running towards me.
I whip around and my eyes widen when I see what Kian was so worried about. Two men have appeared, probably from the sedan, and are advancing towards me. They have black bandanas, kind of like the ones you see in western movies, wrapped around their face. Their black hoods from their jackets hide their hair and eyes. Before I have time to process what was happening, they had grabbed me by the arms and started dragging me towards the sedan. I hear Kian behind me shouting death threats but the sound gets cut off as I'm thrown in the car, hitting my head in the process.
I wake up to the sound of an engine running and the back seat of the sedan. I take in as much as I can, noticing the two boys in the front seat and the two sitting on either side of me. I stare at the boy sitting to the left of me until he turns to look at me.
"You okay?" He asks, a look of concern on his face, "you hit your head pretty hard back there, that wasn't a part of the plan."
"Plan?" I ask, trying to get as much information as possible, after all, I want to know what I'm dealing with.
"We'll talk about that later." The boy at the wheel speaks up looking at me through the rear view mirror.
I nod and direct my view to the scenery outside the car. We seem to be driving along a highway, although I've never seen any of the buildings scattered at the side of the road.
"Where are we going?"
The boy sitting to the left of me speaks up, "we're going to our house, where else should we be going?"
"Well there's many options, you could be taking me to a remote area so you can brutally murder me, you could be kidnapping me and bringing me to a cell of some sort to torture me or-"
The boy on my left interrupts, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why are these options about pain or death? Maybe we're trying to help you"
"Well you did kidnap me." I state.
"We where trying to help you!" The boy starts to get annoyed.
"Fine." I growl, folding my arms across my chest for more effect.
"Fine." He repeats in the same tone.
Minutes pass but I continue to glare straight ahead.
After awhile the silence starts to get to me and I finally relax. "Can you at least tell me your names?"
The boy on my left stays silent for a few seconds before sighing. "I'm Crawford."
The boy driving speaks up, "Chris."
A low voice speaks from the passenger seat, "Jake"
The boy to my right speaks up. "And I'm Brent."
It takes me a few seconds to register their names but once I do I tense up again. "Kian warned me about you guys."
"And what did he say?" Chris asks.
"Well he said you guys where really bad people and that you wanted to kidnap me, he also said you guys would torture me, kill me or worse." The more I speak the tenser I get.
"Well he was lying."
Before I can ask another question we slow down, pulling my attention to what was going on outside. The car turns onto an almost invisible dirt road with trees huddled on either side. We take the small bumpy road until we reach a gate made of a black metal. As Jake gets out to open the gate I notice a roof peaking through the trees. We drive through and Jake closes the gate behind us. The car door slams shut as Jake gets into the sedan and we continue up the driveway. I gasp when I see where they live, it's huge.
"Welcome to your new home."
Hey so I'm not dead I'm just lazy. I know I haven't updated in sooo long but thanks for waiting for my lazy ass to get up and do it. I've also been told about this story called Alpha Brooks by kathy542 and so I gave it a look and it's actually really cool. If your into werewolves and Beau Brooks then you should definitely give it a read. But ya I think that's all I need to say so have a lovely night and happy New Years! <3

I was kidnapped? {Janoskians and O2L}Where stories live. Discover now