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"Owww, my head hurts!" I groan and try to bring my hand to my forehead but something is stopping me. I open my eyes
and look around. I'm tied to an old dentist chair which explains why I can't move my hands.
"Sorry but we don't want you to run away again." I hear a voice behind me and I try to see who it is.
"W-Who is it?" I stutter.
"Me." Jai walks in front of me and squats down to my eye level. "Since you ran off we finished the game without you. The timer ran out and Jc won. We excluded you because you decided to go on a little 'walk'."
I glare at him and growl, "And what are you going to do about it?"
"This." He smirks and before I can say anything he pulls a dagger out of his pocket.
"Wait I-" but before I can finish what I'm about to say, he stabs the knife into my leg and twists it.
I try to hold in the scream so I bite my lip and squeeze my eyes shut. "What's wrong? Does that hurt?" I open my eyes and see him smirking at me. He is enjoying himself way to much.
I don't say anything and he growls. "When I ask you something you answer me."
He puts the knife to my neck and pushes down just enough to leave a thin line of blood. He trails the knife down my shoulder and onto my upper arm. He puts the tip of the blade on my arm then slowly pushes down. Blood almost immediately starts to pour out of the wound. I wouldn't be surprised if he cut open a vein. I don't give him the satisfaction of screaming but I can barely hold it in. I feel his blade touch the bone and I let out a small groan.
"Please, stop." I manage to say without screaming but he just twists the knife slightly.
"I promise I won't run away again." I plead, trying to get him to stop.
He looks up at me and smirks. "I know you won't because if you do then you will get much worse than this. And to make sure you don't run off again we have a room just for you." He rips the blade out of my arm and I hold in another scream. I look at all the blood everywhere and glare at him.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He says just before he cuts the ropes on my wrists and ankles. He stands up and walks away but before I can move someone grabs my shoulders and pulls me up and out of the chair. My arms are held behind my back and a blindfold is put over my eyes. The person behind me pushes me foreword but because of Jai it hurts to put any weight on my leg, so I stumble and fall. The person behind me stops me from falling on my face and literally drags me to what I'm guessing is the room Jai was talking about. I'm thrown onto the floor and the blindfold is ripped off my head, probably pulling some hair out in the process. I turn around but the door closes in my face and I hear a click of a lock. Shit, I didn't get to see who it was. I turn back around and look around the room. The once white paint on the walls are peeling of and the only thing in the room is a bed with a dirty sheet lying crumpled at the end. The corners of the room are dark because the one lightbulb in the middle of the ceiling looks like it's about to stop working. I groan and stand up, holding onto the wall for support. I fall onto the bed and look up at the dingy ceiling that is now covered in dust and dirt so instead of white it was a disgusting brown colour. (Quick reminder that bold writing means your thoughts)
"Now I see why he stabbed my arm and leg. I can't run without my leg and I can't do anything with my arm now. I need to act tough from now on. No screaming or crying. Don't show any weaknesses." I sigh and close my eyes. "Shit."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Get up." I hear someone whisper in my ear but I just groan and ignore it.
"Get up!" The same person whispers/yells in my ear.
"Whaatttt." I groan again and squint up at the person sitting on the side of my bed.
My eyes widen when I see that I don't know who he is. I try to move farther away from him but he grabs my arms and holds on tightly to them. I groan from pain because he is squeezing the wound on my upper arm.
"Shit, sorry." He says quickly and releases his hands.
"Who are you?" I glare at him. Anyone would (glare) if a strange guy with purple/pink hair came into a room and wants something from you.
"My name's Sam." He smiles lightly but I just keep glaring. "What's your name?"
"You know what my name is if you came here." I glare at him and sit up.
"Well sorry for trying to be nice." He rolls his eyes and then looks back at me. "I'm going to take you somewhere but you have to be quiet okay?"
"Why would I go somewhere with someone I don't know?" I say looking at my hands.
"Well you went to play manhunt with your kidnappers." He says getting angry.
"Fine but I just want you to know, that if you do anything to me your going to get it."
"Oh really, and how are you going to make me 'get it'." he laughs and smirks lifting my chin so I have to look at him.
"I'll tell everyone what you did to me and they will make you pay." I glare at him but he only smirks.
"Well if I did do something bad I think they would appreciate it, I mean, just look at your arm and leg." He laughs and stands up. "Come on, let's go."
I sigh and stand up. He wins this one. "Where are we going?" I say, trying to ignore the numbing pain taking over my leg.
"Be quiet and you'll see." He walks behind me and grabs my hands. "Okay let's go."
We walk out the open door of the room and down a hallway. It takes a little longer than usual because I'm limping from the wound Jai gave me on my leg. We stop at two doors and he opens the right one. He closes the door behind us and I look around.
"I told you to be quiet!" I can feel him glaring at the back of my head as he takes his hand off my mouth.
"Well maybe if you warned me that you had a freaking torture room then maybe I would be a little more prepared!"
"Listen, maybe if you listen than I would of had the patience to tell you!" He yells in my face then sighs. "Let's keep walking."
I take one last look around the room. There was a ton of scary machinery that looks really painful everywhere. One wall had tons of knifes and sharp things hanging on it. He walks and I limp to the corner of the room and I see a slight indent in the floor. Sam bends down and grabs the slight indent. The instant he touches it, it starts to move into the wall next to it. Sam stands up and gestures to the hole in the ground. I walk to the edge. I see a ladder so I grab the rungs and start to climb down. After about twenty seconds I feel ground under my feet so I hop down on my uninjured leg and move away from the ladder. It's pitch black and I can't see anything. I shut my eyes to try to Adjust to the light faster but I open my eyes when I feel someone tap my shoulder.
"Come on, grab my arm and I'll lead you to where we're going." I hear sam in front of me and I grab the outline of an arm.
I'm pulled along for what felt like an hour but was most likely five minutes. I see a light coming from what I think is a door in front of us. Sam grabs the handle and opens the door. I squint my eyes because of the bright light, but when I see what's behind the door my eyes widen.
"Holy shit...."
Sorry about the last four chapters having random skips in the lines. I think I know why it's happening so I'll try to fix it for future chapters. Thank you so much for 80 reads! It means so much to me and it means even more if you favourite/vote the story too. Have a good day/night. <3

I was kidnapped? {Janoskians and O2L}Where stories live. Discover now