Star of Jacob, the scepter of Israel
כוכב מיעקב שבט מישראל
Ko2aV MiYa7aQoV 5eVe9 MiYiSRa4eL
He will come to us, He will come for us
יבוא יבוא אלינו יבוא בעדינו
YaVo4 YaVo4 4eLeYNu YaVo4 Ba7DeYNu
Yeshua our Messiah the renewer of our days
ישוע משיחנו המחדש ימינו
Ye5ua7 Me5iCeNu HaMeCaDe5 YaMeYNu
Soverign of the universe the Prince of Peace
ריבון העולמים שר השלום
RiBoN Ha7oLaMiM SaR Ha5aLoM
The Lord of Lords, The King of Kings
אדון האדונים מלך המלכים
4aDoN Ha4aDoNiM MeLe2 HaMLa2iM
Ye5ua7 our Messiah, to him we lift our heart
ישוע משיחנו אליו נישא לבנו
Ye5ua7 Me5iCeNu 4eLaYW NiSa4 LiBeNu
NonfiksiThis Book is dedicated to Hebrew 4acadut-Unity! It is a Mnemonic Hebrew Song Book. For each song there is a YouTube video. The videos themselves are captioned in Hebrew and English. There is even a Mnemonic Hebrew Song Book playlist on You tube to a...