Lent and Pascha: Publican and Pharisee

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The Lenten Triodion has begun! 

This Sunday is the second Sunday of pre-Lent, and today we learn about the parable of the Publican and the Pharisee. (BTW, the video at the top of the chapter is NOT from this Sunday's readings, although it is a good passage about humility, so I figured it is related, in some small way...)

Here is a link to the readings: https://oca.org/readings/daily/2018/01/28/3 

And some good videos to watch:

Once again, the response videos to the Live the Word series are easy to find and they're good to watch! They share some extra insight into the topics discussed in the videos I've shared so far. 

Blessed Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee to all of you readers!!

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