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Alone, that's how I was born, that's how I lived, and now that's how I die.
I look down at the water underneath me. One step, just leaning forward, and it's over. All the loneliness is over.
I should have died sooner, I should have died in that car crash.
It was raining that night and I was heading home. I was walking that night and the streets were empty, no one was around. I was crossing the street when the car came. I was to shocked, to stupid, to even try and move out of the way. Next thing I knew I heard someone yell and woke up in pain being rolled into the hospital. I saw some things before I passed out again, I had some weird dreams, but that's exactly what they where dreams. The doctor came in and told me what happened. A drunk driver hit me and a young boy. Said if it wasn't for the boy I would have died. He pushed me out of the way, and saved me from the worst of it.
Not only am I useless, but I'm also the reason someone died. I'm a murderer.
I could have cried, and I wanted to, but I've been crying all the way up here, I've run out of tears to shed. I thought I would have been scared, but I'm oddly calm. Standing up this high, looking down at the water, knowing all it takes is one move.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry you died cause of me. I'm sorry you died for nothing. I'm sorry you died trying to save trash like me.
I breath in filling my lungs and then let the air go. I close my eyes and lean forward.
"WAIT! Don-" I hear someone yell.
You're too late. Even if you made it in time, I would have jumped anyway.
The water hits me hard, but I ignore the pain. I've been through worse.
Funny. If they ever talk about my death, they'll say I jumped, but really I just leaned forward. Why don't they say that? 'She leaned to her death'. Just doesn't have the same ring to it, I guess.
The air leaves me and it hurts. My lungs want air, but my body refuses to move. I'm just drifting in the water.
Will anyone find me? Of course they would, that person that yelled out will. To bad, there efforts are going to be just as useless as the guy that tried to save me.
I start to feel cold, maybe it's the water around me.
Wait, don't go yet.
It's too late. Nothing you can do. Nothing anyone can do. Nothing anyone should do.
I talk back to the voice in my head. It sounds familiar but at this point I can't focus on anything. Just the weird dull ache in my chest. I don't know what it is, my lungs stopped bothering me a while ago.
Maybe it's my heart.
I'm suddenly warm. Everything around me is warm and I feel like I'm moving.
Is this what it feels like? When someone dies, am I dead now?
I resurface and instinctively take in a deep breath of air. I begin to cough out all the water and go limp as my lungs refill. I'm pressed against a body, my forehead resting on their chest. Even with the rain, I can hear their small struggle to catch their breath. Even with the rain, I can feel the water splashing against us. Even with the rain, I can feel the tears run down my face.
"Don't ever do that again. Don't ever jump." I hear them say. I crack a small smile.
"I didn't jump, I leaned forward."


GB: Yes it's me, the author. *Extends arms out, and waits for crowd to clap.*

Crowd: *No sound.*

Yoongi: Hey, Jin, she knows they're not clapping, right? *Whispers to Jin*

Jin: *Looks over at the crowd and smiles.*

Crowd: *Cheers like crazy.*

GB: Aww, feels good to be loved. *Smiles.*

Yoongi: But.. *Namjoon puts a hand on his shoulder.*

Namjoon: Just let it go.

GB: Okay guys, hey, hi, hello. Yup, this is my book, that you are reading, right now. Unless you stopped reading when I started talking, but there's absolutely no reason for you guys to do that since you all love me. Okay, questions, anyone?

Crowd: *Silent.*

Jimin: *Coughs* Umm, so, what's that voice the character heard?

GB: I can't answer that.

Jungkook: Who saved the character from the story?

GB: I can't answer that.

Taehyung: Does the character like noodles?

GB: I can't answer that.

Taehyung: Why?

GB: Cause I haven't thought about it yet, but I assume so.

Hoseok: Can you answer any question?

GB: I can't answer any question that'll spoil the story.

Everyone: *quiet*

Jin: So is anyone hungry?

GB: Yes, very.

Jungkook: Then let's go. *Begins to push GB of stage. Other members already making there way off.*

GB: Oh, wait! Jungkook, wait! *Ignores her yelling and picks her up to make it easier.* Noooooo! Agghh, see you guys next time. I love yooooooouuuuuu!


I'm sorry😂😂😂

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