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"So why are we at the store again?" Hoseok asks me.

"I'm looking for new curtains." I mumble as I look around the store. When Hoseok came to my house this morning, he asked what I wanted to do today. After having breakfast with him snapping photos of me, we finally made our way to the store. "Think I should buy blue curtains, or a dark purple?"

"Let's do something fun." Hoseok says and I take the dark purple curtains. "Let's go eat at the food court and then go walk in the park." I look over at Hoseok and see him trying on some hats. "Here put this on." He smiles at me after putting on a hat. My face starts to get hot and he takes a picture. "Aww, you look so cute!" He says while looking at the photo.

"Can you please stop." I take of the hat and turn around. "We just eat awhile ago."

"Then let's go to the park." He says walking ahead of me.

"Fine, but only for a little while." Hoseok turns around, looking surprised that I agreed.

"Let's go then!" He takes my hand, interlocking our fingers, and we quickly go pay for the curtains and we make our way to the park. "So how's it been going with Jungkook and Yoongi?" He ask when we get to the park.

"Better then I though actually." I smile as I think about it. "Me and Kookie text all the time and the both of us text Suga at the same time, just to mess with him. We call each other a lot, too." I look over at Hoseok and blush, realizing he's been staring at me the whole time.

"You look cute when you talk about your friends." He smiles and looks forward making me blush even more.

Did he just call me cute?

"They want me to meet there other friends, but I don't know. It seems kinda weird for me."

"I have an idea." I look over at Hoseok. "Give me your phone." I lift an eyebrow at him but hand over my phone anyways. He starts to type something on my phone and then hands it back to me. "There you go. Now you don't have to do it yourself." He send me a cheeky smile and I look down at my phone.

Me: < Hey, Kookie. Think you can bring everyone over to my house tomorrow? I kinda need help decorating my place. *-* >

"Hoseok! Why did you send that?! And what's that face supposed to mean?" I look over at Hoseok but find him just laughing. I hear my phone dig and open the message.

Kookie: < Sure! I'll tell the others . I can't wait for you to meet them :) >

"I'm gonna murder you later." I mumble as I type back a response. I don't pay attention to where I'm walking as I text Jungkook.

"Watch out!" I trip and don't have time to stop myself. Hoseok then pulls me close before I hit the ground, and wraps his other arm around me. "Be more careful next time. You could have gotten hurt." I blush realizing that I've been holding hands with Hoseok ever since we left the store.

"Ye-yeah. Okay I will." I say moving away from him, trying to calm myself down. Hoseok looks at me weirdly but I don't look at him.

He's still warm, and smells really nice.

I think back to the night we meet. When I was underwater I was covered with warmth, just like when he hugged me now.

Stop! I shouldn't be thinking about that! Brain why are you so weird?

"Are you okay?" He stops me and places his hand on my forehead. "Are you feeling sick?" I move his hand away.

"No I'm fine. Just-just umm..." I look around for an excuse. "Let's go to the playground!" I say and pull Hoseok the the swings.

Your Hope, Your Angel~[Jhope] Where stories live. Discover now