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"Jin." I call for him out loud, finally making up my mind, and Seokjin enters the living room.

"Yeah?" He sits down next to me on the couch with a bowl of chips.

"How do you know when you have feelings for someone?" I ask him. He looks over at me and puts down the bowl.

"Why do you ask?"

"I think I might like someone." I look over at him.

"Ooooooh, Y/N has a crush!" Taehyung announces as he enters the living room himself. "Who is it?"

"Um.." I was about to tell them it was Jhope, but before I could I see Jimin walk in. "Someone you guys don't know. I'm not even sure I like him."

If Jimin finds out I like Jhope, he'll probably tell Hoseok and then, we'll I wouldn't be able to live it down.

"Okay, tell us more. How do you feel about him?" Seokjin ask. I sigh as Namjoon and Yoongi walk in too.

Well this is there place. I can't really complain.

"When we touch hands, I get this weird feeling in my stomach. Like I don't know, it's almost uncomfortable but not completely unpleasant. I sometimes just freeze when he hugs me or something, like I go blank and when ever he says something nice to me, I get all red." I explained to them. I look around and sometime in the middle of my explanation Jungkook had joined us.

"Do you ever think about him at random times?" Yoongi ask.

"Lately, well yeah, kinda." I say and look away from them, cause I could feel my face heating up already. "See it's happening right now." I look up at the six of them and they all just stare at me and then they all share the same look.

"Have you ever liked anyone before?" Jimin ask.

"No." I look over at the bowl of chips and take them.

And now I'm stress eating.

"When's the last time you saw him?" Namjoon says crossing his arms.

"About three days ago."

"And you haven't seen or spoken to him since?"

"No. Not really." I stuff my face with chips.

Don't ask why.

"Why?" Jungkook ask.

Dang it Kookie. I swear sometimes....

"Nothing really. Just haven't had the time." I look around and suddenly get the urge to drink something. "Um hey, do you guys have water or something. I'm kinda thirsty." Seokjin gets up and goes to the kitchen, quickly coming back and handing me a glass of water. I take it and gulp it down and then notice Yoongi staring.

"I see your habits haven't changed." He says.

"What do you mean?"

"When we where kids and you hid something, you'd get nervous and drink so much water." I look over at Jungkook and he confirms what Yoongi said by nodding his head. "So, what happened?"

"Fine." I sigh and lean forward. "We where hanging out all day, and kinda doing couple things. It was okay until night time came around. We started dancing and then we kinda almost kissed."

"What do you mean, 'kinda almost kissed'?" Jimin asks.

"His phone dinged, and we stopped before we did. It was awkward afterwards, still kinda is." I lean back against the couch and pray it'll eat me so I would have to deal with myself at the moment. "I just want to know why I was about to kiss him, and why I felt disappointed when it didn't happen."

Your Hope, Your Angel~[Jhope] Where stories live. Discover now