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Y/N zips up here jacket and continues walking. It's dark out, but the street lamps are bright enough to light her way.

As she walks down the street a guy sees her and stands up from where he was sitting. He's seen her everyday, always walking by this neighborhood. At first it started of with him just being curious but as time went by, his curiosity of the Y/N became something of a crush. He decided that today was the day he would talk to her, so he waited here all day for her to walk by. Now that it's dark out, it would be weird to say something to her, but he didn't care. It was now or never. He stood up and quickly went to catch up to her before she crossed the street.

That's when he saw it. A car speeding down the road and heading right for her. He tried to call out to her but it seemed like she couldn't hear him. So he ran, faster then he's ever ran before, and managed to push her out of the way.

The car hit the guy only managing to injure Y/N slightly. Y/N didn't know who called the ambulance, it wasn't the guy who was unconscious along with her. But when the ambulance did come they quickly took both of them.

As Y/N was being rolled into the hospital she was beginning to wake up. She was only able to see the bright lights of the hospital, the shapes of the doctors pushing her, and when she turned her head she saw a guy, in worse condition then she was being pushed in a different direction.

You'll be okay. Just hang I there. Just a little longer.

A voice she couldn't focused on said. That was the last thing she heard before losing conscious again.

The doctors managed to save her, considering that her injuries were the least of what happened that night. As for the boy that saved her, the doctors did there best.

"It's a coma. We don't know how long he'll be in it. He's lucky to be alive but considering how he is now...he might not make it." The doctor says to the six boys that came as soon as they heard what happened.

The guy was confused to what the doctor was saying. He was standing right there in the room with them. He walked up to them about to ask what was going on, when there laying on the medical bed, he saw himself.

"He saved the girl, but sadly this happened." He suddenly remembered about the girl and ran out to go find her. He had to make sure she was okay. And she was. He saw her laying in her bed and she was okay. And that's where he stayed. Next to her until she woke up. The doctors told her what happened and it was the weirdest thing. It was like he could hear her thoughts. He knew what she was about to do.

He followed her out of the hospital trying his best to communicate with her, but he couldn't. He saw her cry but he couldn't comfort her. Couldn't convince her what happened wasn't her fault.

As she stood there about to end her life, he begged. Whatever force there was out there he begged too. And as she went into the water below he tried to speak to her. He yelled out to here.

"Wait! Don't do it!" But it was too late. She was already in. He spoke in his head as he ran to the edge.

Wait, don't go yet.

It's too late. Nothing you can do. Nothing anyone can do. Nothing anyone should do.

She responded, as he jumped in after her. He pulled her out and told her.

"Don't ever do that again. Don't ever jump." He felt her smile against his chest.

"I didn't jump. I leaned." And like that she was out.


"Hoseok, how are you holding up? " Taehyung asks as he sits down next to me.

"How long has it been?" I rub my eyes.

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