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"Y/N, calm down." Jungkook says trying to get near me.

"Don't." I say, and then get up from the couch to move away from them. "What do you mean, he's in the hospital. I just saw him last night." I try to say without freaking out on them.

"He is at the hospital. He got into an accident a couple of months ago. The doctors says it's a coma." Seokjin speaks up.

"Stop playing games. He isn't in the hospital." I try to think of ways to prove it to them. "Jimin, me and Hoseok went to the park. You where dancing at night and Hoseok joined you."

"Y/N, Jhope wasn't there." Jimin whispers as if he where to talk normally I would freak.

"He was. He was there." I think about all the times we've been out together and while I didn't want to believe what they where telling me, the more I thought about it, the more I was starting to think it was true.

The lady at the book store. The kids in the carnival. Why he never seemed to be around when I was with the others. Why he lied about knowing them. I never actually saw him interact with another person.

"This isn't happening." I say to myself and sit back down. It's then that I realize I'm crying.


"Take care of yourself." Namjoon says as they leave me. After what happened, I though it was best to be alone, so they gave me a ride back to my place.

"We'll talk later, okay?" Taehyung pats my shoulder and walks away. I look up at Yoongi and he just stares back.

"Yoongi, please believe me." I try one more time, but he shakes his head.

"Get some rest. All see you later." They all leave and I close the door. I walk into my living room and there standing, staring at me was Hoseok.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I look away from him and wipe my tears away.

"People don't exactly want to spend time around dead people."

"You're not exactly dead. You're in a coma."

"I want to believe I'll make it, but I know I'm not. That's why I wanted to help you out."

"Geez, you say you're all hopeful, and yet when it comes to you, you give up." I wipe more tears away, looking him straight in the eyes.

"It's not that I'm not hopeful, it's just tha-"

"It's exactly that. You lost hope that you'll get better. There's no other way to look at it."

"I've excepted dying, there's nothing I can hope for. All I wanted was for you to live, a nice long happy life." He says, taking me hand.

"Damn it, Hoseok, I won't live a happy life without you in it! You saved me, you saved my life and made it better! I can't just go on without you, and be happy, you're the reason I'm happy!" I scream at him. More tears escape me and I can feel myself staring to shake as I scream more and more. I calm down by taking a deep breath and look at our hands. "If you don't have hope that you'll get better, then...then I'll hope for you. I'll hope that you'll get better. I'll be your hope." I look up at him determined.

"You'll be my angel." He says and smiles down at me.

I nod and look down at our hands again.

I need to tell him. I need to say it now.

"Hoseok I... I'm.. I think.. well I know... Umm." I take a deep breath in. "I love you, and not as a friend. It's more then that." I say and then look up at him. He smiles down at me, one of the biggest smiles I've seen.

Your Hope, Your Angel~[Jhope] Where stories live. Discover now