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"You can't just sleep in all day." Hoseok says as he stands at the foot of my bed. "Let's go hang out by the park today."

"No. Close the curtains." I turn around and cover my face with the blanket. "I'm sleeping in today."

"Why are you such a struggle?" Hoseok says and sighs. He doesn't say anything else but instead takes a hold of my feet and proceeds to pull me off of my bed.

"Noooooooooooo! It's so cold, my bed was soo warm." I whine when he sets me down on the floor.

"Come on. It's nice and bright out today. Plus we haven't just hanged out together for awhile."

"Hoseok, we saw each other like two days ago." I try to get back into bed but he easily pulls me out of my room.

"Yeah, and you took me to that awful place." He shutters at the reminder.

"Fine, fine. We can go to the park. Let me get ready." I get up and go to my room. "I'll be out in a few minutes." I change into fresh clothes and then look over at my bed.

A few minutes won't hurt.

"Nope. Let's go." Hoseok walks in and pulls me out before I could get back into bed.


"And I told her; Margaret you gotta wash the dishes." Hoseok says and starts laughing.

"Hoseok, that was really random. I asked if you wanted to go on the swings." I stare at him and shake my head as I make my way to the swings.

"So I was thinking." Hoseok says as he sits down on the swing next to me. "Let's get you a boyfriend."

"What? No." I speak without thinking.

"If you're into girls, I'm not judging. We could get you a girlfriend instead if you want."

"No, Hoseok. I don't want a boyfriend or a girlfriend."

"Don't you want to be in love with someone?" We watch kids playing tag as we talk.

"I don't know. I haven't really ever loved anyone in a romantic way." I move back and forth on my swing.

"What about Jungkook and Yoongi?"

"They're like brothers to me. They where there when I didn't have anyone."

"You've never been out on a date? Or had a boyfriend? A first kiss?"

"Nope. None of that." I keep on swinging and frown when one of the kids accidentally trips.

"Let's go." I look over at Hoseok as he gets up.

"Go where?" I get up and he takes a hold of my hands.

"On a date. For today, I'll be your boyfriend. That way you'll be able to experience what it's like." He says with a smile.

"Jhope that's nice and all but-"

"Don't try to talk me out of this." I sigh knowing I won't be able to change his mind.

Best to let him play this out.

"Okay, what are we going to do first?" I ask as we walk into a store.

"Couple outfits!" He says with a smile as he picks up shirts.

"Give me strength." I whisper, hoping whatever force is out there would help me.


"Okay, so know we're dressed the same." I look down at my shirt. Mine says 'Boyfriend' with and arrow pointing left at Hoseok with a picture of Mini. Hoseok is wearing a similar shirt, but his says 'Girlfriend' pointing to the right with a picture of Mickey.

Your Hope, Your Angel~[Jhope] Where stories live. Discover now