asking for help from the evil witch

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"Paladins get to your lions!" Allura yelled over the castle speakers waking Lance up.

Lance hopped out of bed and started getting dressed in his paladin armor and took off running to the control room passing Allura and Coran who were surprised because he was first.

Lance went down the zip line and got in the little pod and falls into his lion.

"Good morning red, how are you beautiful," Lance said getting her prepared. "I'm ready anyone else?" Lance asked the others.

"Ready!" Allura said, while everyone else said almost there.

Lance took off with red exiting the hangar and is now waiting in open space waiting for everyone else.

Lance was excited. He was going to see Lotor today, and be apart of his team and leave this one. 

"Very weird Lance since when are you first? You're usually the last one," Keith snickered at Lance.

"What does it matter mullet, just do your job as team leader that you're failing," Lance said angry.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Keith asked with his voice raised.

"Well if you're the leader shouldn't you tell all of the paladins your plan, rather than leaving just one out. You know me?" Lance said ticked off but he knows it doesn't matter anymore because he will be with Lotor.

"Well you're going to be with me trying to find Shiro, while Pidge gets to the main control room with everyone else besides Allura who will be with us also." Keith explained and Lance was ready.

"Yes sir," Lance said and got the little chip Lotor gave him pressing it giving out a signal letting him know the mission is starting.

All the lions go through a worm whole going to their destination.

A large galra ship sat alone in space with no fleet. The team was confused as to why there aren't more galra ship. Yet, this wouldn't stop their mission. 

Pidge cloaked her lion and was able to get in the ship easily and the rest of the team got out of their lions following what she did.

The ship was quiet for a good minute until sentries came running at them and firing their blasters at the paladins.

"Pidge and Hunk go to the control room now, while everyone else help kill these sentries until Pidge is able to tell us where to find Shiro," Keith orders and they do as they are told.

Lance fires not missing a shot. As soon as some of the sentries are gone Lance switched his blaster to sniper and got to a higher place and began sniping the rest of them until Pidge come over the comm.

"Turn around and go straight and then take a left then take a right and continue going straight and I'll tell you where to turn, we don't have much time!" Pidge shouted and the paladins did so.

Lance ran behind them firing at the sentries as they tried getting closer and he got hit in the shoulder.

Lance screamed in pain but didn't stop running. Next he got hit in his back and he screamed again, and heard his name being called but he didn't stop he followed Keith and Allura not being able to hear anything.

They reached the prison which felt like eternity to only see the cells empty.

Laughing can be heard from a corner. "Your paladin is not here," a silky voice said and Lance knew who it was.

Lance coughed up blood and fell to the floor then a figure stood behind him. Lance turned his head to see Lotor staring at him.

"I am Prince Lotor and your other paladins have been caught by my generals, what shall you do?" Lotor asked the team but was directed at Lance.

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