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"Please tell me," Lotor said turning to Lance with a pained expression.

"Your mother died when she gave birth to you and she studied quintessence. What if her story is Haggars story, she was consumed by the quintessence but she didn't remember anything. She most likely doesn't remember you or Zarkon, her husband," Lance explained.

"That makes sense because Haggar is altean," Lotor said and sat on his bed. "Lotor, Narti told me she is always thinking of you... what if she remembered?" Lance suggested and Lotor stayed silent.

"I don't know Lance," he said and flopped on his back on the bed. Lance moved to sit on Lotor's hips and kissed his neck.

"Whatever happens I will be right here," he smiled and gave a loving kiss before Lotor growled and pinned Lance to his bed.

Lance and Lotor had to get up earlier because they thought it would be better to take care of business before his family came in.

Is what they hoped.

"Lancey lance!" Veronica shouted running in the throne room. Lance picked her up holding her on his hip.

"Hi vernie, I need you to be quiet, we are talking about important stuff go with mama," he told Veronica and she nodded running to her mother.

"More humans here?" The galra commander growled. "They are not galra, they shouldn't be here," Lance rolled his eyes and turned to the commander.

"Just so your job," Lance growled. "To protect these humans?" The galra scoffed.

"Yes, I am your emperor and Lance is your commander so you will do as your told. Do we have a problem?" Lotor spoke sternly and the galra stood silent.

"Your father wouldn't have done this, so I chose victory or death," the galra grinned grabbing his axe and swinging it at lance but he had already transformed his bayard into a sword blocking himself.

"You chose death then," Lance pushed the galra back with his sword. "No I choose victory!" The galra yelled and their weapons hit each other.

Lance kicked the galra's chest and rammed his sword through his chest killing him. "Take him out of here," Lance ordered sentries and they did as they were told.

"His claws cut you," Lotor said grabbing his lovers arm. "Lancey Lance?" His siblings called out and he turned around and smiled.

"So as you can see some galra don't approve," Lance sighed and Lotor nodded agreeing. "Work and progress. He was born into and grew up in the empire, that is why he is hostile," Lance explained and they nodded.

Lance noticed how they seemed scared and disgusted by him killing that galra. He look away and gripped his arm.

"Well let's eat!" Lance said trying to change the subject except Lotor noticed the change. They led them to the dining room where the generals were already there.

  "Watch them, lance come with me," Lotor ordered and they nodded and lance walked with Lotor.

"What's wrong?" Lotor asked as he led lance to the infirmary. "Nothing," Lance lied and Lotor gave him a look that said. 'I know you're lying so if you don't tell me the truth I won't kiss you for a week.'

"Well I changed and they seemed to be scared of me.  I don't want to look like a monster to them," Lance whispered looking down and Lotor put his thumb and index finger on his chin lifting his head up to look at him.

"Your mother believed you had died, when your returned to her you became a different person. You're engaged to an alien and you have killed to survive. That's a lot to take in," Lotor explained while wrapping his arm after cleaning the wound

"Thank you Lotor," Lance thanked and pressed his lips to Lotor's. His legs wrapped around his waist pulling him closer and kissed Lotor more deep.

Lance pulled away panting and Lotor helped him stand then they walked back to the dining room. "You two have fun?" Zethrid chuckled and Ezor winked at Lance.

"Do you want me to describe what we were doing?" Lance teased and their faces looked to be scared. "His hands grabbed my waist and wrapped my legs around his waist then-" "okay stop!" Zethrid pleaded and Lance laughed taking a seat next to Lotor.

"Space food goo at its finest," Lance said and they got food and began eating. "Wow this is pretty good!" Luis exclaimed. "It's better that the food at the castle, speaking where is allura and Coran?" Lance asked Lotor.

"They sent a message saying Shiro and Keith were taking them to six flags, whatever that is," Lotor told lance and he giggled.

"I will take you," Lance smiled at Lotor. "So, what are we doing today? Can we see the balmerans???" Marco asked and lance nodded.

"Yay!!" Veronica and Marco high fives. "Mama, do you want to go to the space mall? What do you want to do?" Lance asked his mother.

"Anywhere with you and the kids is fine," she smiled but it seems half forced.

Lance's smile faltered and he nodded at her then looked at Lotor who leaned in to whispered in Lance's ear.

"Tonight when we return we can take a bath and do face masks if you like. Unless you have different ideas?" Lotor said and Lance smiled. "Of course," lance smiled.

"Alrighty lets go!" Lance cheered.

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