New Beginnings

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"This is my mother Rosalia, my siblings Marco, Veronica, Luis, Lymeria, and well, me" Lance smiled as he introduced his family.

"Very nice to meet you," Nacio said and they agreed. Kids and adults began filling in tables and began eating the food they all made and one little girl was standing alone. Lance stood up and approached her.

"Hi, do you want to eat with me," he asked softly and she jumped not noticing Lance and began to play with her fingers. "I wont bite, I will take good care of you," Lance smiled warmly and held out a hand. She slowly reached and slipped her small hand into his larger one. He walked back to the table and sat down with her in his lap.

"She is new and doesn't talk much. She doesn't play with the other kids and she stays away from everyone." Nacio explained to Lance and he nodded.

"Well, I will talk to her, I will be back lotor," Lance kissed his cheek and walked away with her on his side. He made sure to grab some food so they can eat and he sat in a field of flowers and there was a pond.

He set her down in front of him and handed her a bread roll. "Can you tell me your name?" Lance asked and she didn't say anything and slowly ate her food.

"My name is Lance. I used to fly a huge robotic cat until Lotor saved me. I was away from my family for so long and I missed them so much and to be with them again meant so much to me but in their eyes I look like a monster because I changed, I killed, I became someone completely different from when I left," Lance told her and she listened closely.

"Catalona," she said and Lance looked at her. "Your name?" he asked and she nodded. "So, did you come here by yourself?" Lance asked and she nodded. "My mama and papa were killed," she said looking sad.

"Is that why you don't talk to anyone? Are you afraid?" He asked and she nodded. Catalona looked at him and tears ran down her face. "I miss them," she whimpered and Lance pulled her into his lap.

"People like us must stay strong. Your parents loved you and they miss you too. They will always be with you. You know you might feel alone but you haven't opened yourself up to anyone. When I was a paladin, I was alone. I was treated badly by my teammates and I worked hard to be someone they would want but even then I still was hated and that is when Lotor found me. I fell in love with him because we were alike.

His father was Zarkon and he was never and father to him and he though his mother died when he was born. He has always been alone and he was also altean. He opened himself up to me and I did to him and I am happy.

Open up and I promise you will be happy. My dad was not a good one but before he fell of the rails he was a good father and I miss him but I kicked him out," Lance explained to her and held her close as she cried.

"It is okay to be alone. It is okay to be sad. But it is also okay to be happy without the people you love," Lance told her and she nodded.

"Lets throw flowers into the water and we can say goodbye to things and people we once or loved," he told her and she nodded moving closer to the pond and he did to.

They grabbed flowers and she held them close to her. "Mama, I love you so much and I wish to be with you again but I know you are here with me in my heart," she said and threw the flower into the pond and it made ripples and floated away.

Lance grabbed a flower and thought for a moment. "Blue, you chose me to be a paladin and I failed you. You were the best thing that happened when I came into space and you guided me," Lance said and threw the blew flower into the water.

"Papa, you are also in my heart and I miss your hugs and kisses. You and mamas bed time stories," she threw the flower into the water.

Lance and Catalona didn't notice Lotor standing behind them watching as they said goodbye. "This is to.. Aruna. Whom I couldn't save, as she was not only my twin but my best friend," Lance said and threw the pink flower into the water and watched it drift away.

"See? New beginnings," Lance told Catalona and she nodded smiling and stood up giving him a hug. "Don't worry I will be okay," she told him and he hugged her back. "You got her talking," Lotor said and they both jumped and laughed.

"This is Lotor," he told her and she nodded and ran to him grabbing his hand pulling him to where she and Lance were sitting. "We were throwing flowers into the pod saying goodbye to things and people we loved. Do you want to as well?" Lance asked Lotor and he nodded.

He grabbed a red flower and threw it in before speaking. "My father," he said and closed his eyes. "Even though he was cruel when I was born he was still my father. I hated him so much but if it weren't for him I wouldn't have met my love," Lotor smiled and turned to Lance kissing him.

"New beginnings?" Lance asked Catalona and Lotor. "New beginnings," Catalona said with Lotor and she smiled crawling between them and the played together. Lance felt himself getting attached and so did Lotor.

"Can I go with you guys?" she asked Lance and Lotor and they looked at each other. "You can be our daughter," Lance said and she smiled happily and hugged him then hugged Lotor. "Catalona we can't replace your parents but you can rely on us," Lance told her and she nodded.

"Come and meet my mother," she smiled and Lance stood up picking her up. "This will be good for both of us my love," Lance told Lotor who looked extremely happy.

"I know," they shared and kiss and Catalona made a gagging noise making them laugh.

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