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Lance led everyone around the space mall showing them different stores they would like and bought several things. It was fun and they had a good time. Acxa, Ezor, Zethrid, and Narti went on their own ways but they said they would be at the ship before they returned.

"Can we go off on our own?" Luis asked. "Not the greatest idea. There are some space pirates around here, and some other bad people," Lance explained and they nodded seeming curious.

"Yeah, we even got a cow as we were getting chased by the mall cop. Coran thought it was a good idea to dress up as space pirates... and well," Lance made a face saying to didn't go well. "I also went swimming in a wishing fountain to buy a game from earth. Good times," Lance laughed at the memories.

"I actually have a few things to get so I could go off on my own and Lotor goes with you or we go together," Lance said. "I would like to talk to my future son in law so he will be coming with us," Rosalia said and Lance chuckled.

He kissed Lotor's cheek laughing. "Do you need anything?" he asked and Lotor leaned down whispering in Lance's ear. "Pick something from that store. Anything you like," Lotor said and kissed his ear.

"Got it Your Grace," Lance said bowing making Lotor shake his head. "Good luck!" Lance yelled beginning to run off.

Now you see. Last time Lance was here he came across a store. The space mall holds different kinds of shops, not normal ones you would see in a mall but... stores.. if you get my drift. Now, one day he ad Lotor came across a store and they bought a few things.

It is a sex shop pretty much and they liked the things they got and want to try out more things. It is a normal thing people do. So stop judging! Or perhaps you noses are bleeding and your mind is going places. Don't worry. Mine is going places too ;))))))))))))))))))))))))

He walked in and saw a few things that caught his eye, like a harness, a feather, cuffs, and a blind fold. He didn't want to go too crazy mostly because his family would bug him so he went to different stores and got some things they actually needed.

He walked around trying to find everyone and luckily he did as they had drinks and were sitting at a table together. Well, the kids were playing and Lymria was watching them with Luis. Lotor was sitting with Rosalia talking and he sat down catching their attention.

"Lotor is the right man for you Lance. I am happy to add another person to the family," She smiled taking Lance and Lotor 's hands squeezing them. "But if you hurt Lance, I am afraid that earth will not welcome you," she said while smiled.

Lance laughed awkwardly and stood up. "Come on lets go," Lance said catching everyone attention and they grouped up walking back to Lotor's ship. Lance stole Lotor's drink and began running off with it.

"Thanks for the drink Lo! You're a lifesaver," Lance laughed and Lotor began running after him. Lotor picked him up and spun him around. Lance yelled wrapping his legs around Lotor's waist hanging on for dear life.

"Why would I drop you?" Lotor chuckled shaking his head. "You're a mean nasty galra," Lance said and Lotor raised and eyebrow. "Then I will be one," he growled and began attacking Lance's neck with kisses.

"Stop! Please show me mercy!" Lance laughed and tears formed in his eyes from laughing so hard. "I though I was a mean nasty galra?" Lotor continued attacking him. "I take it back! You are a cute galra," Lance kissed his nose, then his forehead, and his lips.

"Or a big dominate galra," Lance whispered seductively in his ear and licked his ear lobe. "Better," Lotor growled kissing Lance. He let him down and his family caught up not bothering to say anything and returned to the ship.

Lance made sure to put the things he bought into the bedroom under the bed and wanted to surprise Lotor. He returned to the control room and sat on Lotor lap to see where they were going next.


"So beautiful," Lance said in awe as there was so many flowers in different colors surrounding them. A very blue pond as well and a village ahead.

"I didn't tell you this as I thought it should be a surprise but this is a refuge planet for hybrids," Lotor told Lance as they walked further into the village. Lance noticed children running around and many are galra but hybrids.

"Lotor!" The kids yelled and he smiled kneeling down and they jumped into his arms tackling him. "Hey hey," Lotor laughed and played with them for a bit and he allowed one to sit on his shoulder.

"Who are you?" A little girl asked. asked and Lance smiled kneeling. "I'm Lance, and you are?" he asked. "I'm Jewel," she smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him into the village. His family not sure what to do followed.

"Hey Lotor!" someone yelled and the kid that was on his shoulders crawled down and hugged the man that called for lotor. "Why brings you here?" he asked and they gave a manly hug. "Well, this is my mate Lance," Lotor introduced Lance and he walked next to him shyly.

"Nice to meet you. Damn Lotor and here I thought you would be alone forever," he chuckled and so did Lotor. "Are the girls here?" he asked and Lotor nodded. "They're coming," he smiled.

"Nacio!" a woman yelled walking out of a house carrying two kids on her sides. "Hey Lotor!" she smiled seeing him. "Been a while Macia," Lotor laughed at her.

"Macia!!!" Ezor yelled her name and Lance noticed they have similar features. Ezor came running and Macia put the kids down and they ran off then Ezor jumped into her arms hugging her tightly.

"I missed you so much sis!" Ezor smiled kissing her sisters cheek and she turned to play with the kids. Lance was awe struck and looked at Lotor and saw how happy he was.

"Come on, dinner will be ready and you can introduce me to more humans," Nacio said and led them to a large table.

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