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 Stressful and exciting. That was how the last few weeks have felt for Lotor and Lance. They were stressed because of the wedding planning and too much choices. In the end they decided to get married on the beach with friends and family.

 They invited their family of course and Hunk, Shiro, Allura, Coran, Pidge, Matt and their parents. The invitation was sent to Keith and Kolivan just if they could come. They even invited Shay to come. Hunk was going to get her. They also invited some of Lance's friends from high school. The girls of course.

 Lance was a nervous wreck, he was dressed in a white dress mostly because Lotor was dominate to him. It will show that he belonged to Lotor and Lotor alone. Lotor would wear a black tux and have a blue rose and Lance would have a purple rose in his hair. His sister was helping Lance finish getting ready.

 "Lance?" Veronica asked and he hummed closing his eyes as she brushed his slightly longer hair. "Are you returning with Lotor?" she asked him and he opened his eyes and turned to look at her then turned back around.

 "I was alone on the Castle of Lions. My old team treated me as if I wasn't worthy of being a paladin or even being their friend. If it wasn't for Lotor I honestly wouldn't be here. They talked about getting rid of me, and my mind thought that I wold get injured and they would leave me to die or I would kill myself. 

 He saved me and made me happy just as he promised. He promised I would see my family again and he made that come true and I couldn't be more happy because of him. He didn't come from Earth, he came from Daibazaal his home planet that was destroyed and even then he didn't ever have a place called home. 

 He was abused mentally and physically by his father. I became the place he could call home and he became the place I call home. I love it here but I changed from the years in space. I killed and became the perfect soldier but Lotor showed me that I wasn't some soldier or general. He showed not only me but Ezor, Narti, Zethrid, Acxa that they have a place and they are worthy and not useless. 

 Lotor will be the emperor that the universe needs and he needs me and I him. I will be returning with him and ruling by his side to keep the peace. 10,000 years they had been slaves to the empire and it doesn't take a day for that to heal. There will be more wars after that by those who grew up in the empire and knew only the cruel Galran ways and they need Lotor and I. I am a warlord after all," he joked after he explained and she had tears running down her face.

 "I had no idea Lance. I will miss you but I know you will be safe because you will text everyday or at least try to. I trust that you take care of each other," she kissed his head before pulling him up.

 "Alright no more sad stuff, let us go see your soon to be husband," she smiled and walked out of the secluded area with him and his mother was waiting in a blue dress and her hair is let down and wavy. "You look so beautiful my boy," she said with tears in her eyes and he hugged her and kissed her head.

 "You look beautiful mama," he smiled and she quickly placed a rose behind his ear and locked arms with her then Catalona came running and hugging his legs. She held a small basket in her hand with blue and purple flower petals. She smiled when Lance picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Now go and be the flower girl," he set her down and she nodded taking his hand. The music began playing and his mother on his arm and Catalona holding his hand while throwing the petals as they walked down the sandy beach. 

 Lance felt like he was about to burst into tears when he saw Lotor with his all black tux, and blue rose, and his complicated braids. They made eye contact and smiled lovingly at each other. Lance's white dress dragged along the sand and his feet slightly burned under the warm sand. As he neared to the water that reached their feet (where Coran will be marrying them) his mother left his side taking Catalona with her and sitting down in the white chairs.

 "Please repeat after me," Coran said to me then began, "I promise to take all of you, body and soul, to protect, care, and love for till the end," Lance spoke after Coran and he turned to Lotor. "I promise with my body and soul, that I will provide, protect, care, and love till the end," Lotor smiled.

 "Do you Emperor Lotor of the Galran Empire take Lance McClain to never let go, never get hurt or suffer alone, that you would sacrifice your own life to save his?" Coran asked and he took a deep breath.

 "I do," he said and Coran continued facing Lance. "Do you Lance McClain, soon to be Emperor of the Galran Empire take Emperor Lotor of the Galran Empire to never let go, never get hurt or suffer alone, that you would sacrifice your own life to save his?" 

 "I do," Lance smiled. "Now, your vows," Coran bowed and Lotor took a deep breath before starting.  

 "I was lost and broken from my fathers wrath. I never knew what it felt like to love or be loved until I found you lost and broken like myself. I fell in love instantly when I saw you in the training room late at night training your heart out because you felt you weren't good enough, yet it never will be in anyone's eyes will it?" Lance and Lotor chuckled and tears pricked the humans eyes. 

 "But it was in mine. You saved me from myself and my father and even Sendak, you have my back. We both have been hurt countless times by people who care about but we had each other to protect and that was enough. You even got attacked with a druids magic to bring my mother back and give me the love of a mother I never had. You have given me so much and there is no one else that I love more than you," Lance cried and took a deep breath nodding and wiping his tears and taking a deep breath before saying his vows.

 "Like you said, we were both broken but we picked each others peices of glass together merging it into one mirror. Funny how I was told that Galra were bad and should be destroyed and that you were worse because you are Zarkon's son, well, that's bullshit. You proved everyone wrong, that you aren't like Zarkon. I am lucky you confronted me in my room that night because if you didn't I wouldn't be here and now I never want to leave without you. I lost my arm to be with you, I have a scar on my hip to be with you and it will be a reminder that no matter how badly we are injured or hurt, we will always fight to be with the other like how I couldn't imagine a world without you in it. 10,000 years was a long time for you to be alive and alone without the love and care of another, but I hope I can make up for that time, and live 10,000 or less years considering I am human together but I never want it to end, I never want to live without you. You are my world, my everything, and I am a place you can call home. Whatever war we have to fight we stick together because that's what works. I love you so quiznaking much, and I am even surprised you let someone braid you hair," he pouted.

 Sniffles can be heard from where people were sitting. Lance and Lotor had tears in their eyes and Coran was sobbing. They laughed and gave him a hug. "Well, you two are married kiss already!" he shouted throwing his hands up and wiping his tears.

 Lotor took Lance's hand pulling him to his chest and cupping Lance's face kissing him slow and gentle with all his love. They pulled away and Catalona ran into their arms getting smothered by kissed from Lance and Lotor. 

 Lance along with Lotor who thought they would never be happy were the happiest people in the universe because all they needed was each other and unconditional love that would never end, not even in death.


 Well!!!!! That was My Prince!! Honestly I am so proud of this story and I am getting a little emotional right now, but this story has made me feel so happy because I am so passionate about this, but (not as much as me wanting to be a mortician) seriously I didn't give up and that was the biggest accomplishment for me.

 This story had some personal things in it. Mention of suicide in the end of this story was about me. My father ended his life in 2016 and it honestly feels like it hasn't been that long. I mentioned it because Lance had thought about it because he felt worthless and useless, like he didn't deserve to live. But he found someone to love and love him.

 I want to say that I am still here today because of my family and friends who have loved me and helped me along the way. Everyone is and can be loved, it is about you or someone else allowing to be loved. Making friends and loosing some and even family members is the journey, and it is a long one. It isn't always romantic love. It is love of a family member or a friend and remember that. 

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