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Welcome to the hallway of fear
The hallway contains the embodiment of the mind and soul
The hallway uses it against you in anyway possible so you don't go home at night
For all we know you could've went home but your soul...
Your soul might've stayed within that dark hallway

Each door has a different type of fear
Know that with each door you take the more and more your fighting stops
The more your consequences will grow dire
The more you will forever be trapped in the lonely wailing hallway of desperation

Go on, escape.
Come on, try.
But you can't, can you?
You knew you were dead even before you stepped into this cold hallway of forbidden truths.
It's one of the bios to another account of mine. If you find it yay you. 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
And btw it's 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

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