Have you ever just... loved someone so much it hurts?
Have you ever just... felted that life was against you all the way?
Have you ever just...thought that you had no one, but yourself?
Have you ever just...looked into the darkness, and welcomed it?
Have you ever just...been so happy, that you could hardly stand it?
Have you ever just...had one of those great moments, and never want it to leave?
Have you ever just...wanted to give up, and have the blade by your side?
Have you ever just...felted that you couldn't be fixed, and be able to be loved?
Have you ever just...sat down and thought about your life?
Have you ever just...wished that life would change to fit your happiness?
*** I have. I want everyone who reads my book to understand that no matter who you are, and what you are going through ... there are others who are doing the same ***
Part of me (Poems)
PoetryThese are random poems, that I hope can make someone feel better.