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[Previously on Eddsworld]
I turnt around in looked at him as he looked down at me worried then said you going to be ok I smiled in looked down at his hand in tuck it in mine in sighed relief while closing my eyes for a sec then looked back at him my smile brighter than ever then said Yeah...I'm going to be ok.

Reverse Edd's p.o.v
GOD DAMMIT MATT GIVE ME MY FUCKING COLA! I yelled chasing after him, no sir your going to die of kidney cancer from drinking to much cola I screamed in pounced on top of him punching him repeatedly in the face with my robotic arm he screamed in pure pain as I heard a crack from his nose in it started to bleed then I felt someones arms going around my waist (Not like that ya sick fucks) in pulling me off of him in thew me on the floor I grabbed my head in one hand grip in groaned in pain I then look back up with my one good eye to see it was tom he was helping matt up in rushing out of the room I got up as well in dusted my self off then started to run after them until a swirly thing or portal showed up Infront of me making me stop with an ear piercing SCREECH! I watched it in confusion in I'm embarrassed to admit it but in fear as well out step a man with a blue trench coat with his left sleeve tore showing off an robotic arm with his face half scarred in an eye patch on that side and I read a tag that was on his trench coat in it read Red Leader I then looked at his face again to realise ITS TORD! I growled while pulling out my gun to his for head in I yelled in his face, WHO LET YOU IN HERE! I yelled in his face then some more people stepped thew the portal into my noticed I know 2 were my Men in 1 was ME!
Reverse Tom's p.o.v
I carried matt to the infirmary lying him down on the bed then I heard screaming coming from edd's office ( just to let you know they were in his office the whole time xD) I caressed matt's cheek as he grunted in pain in I said I'll be back I then ran out of the room and to his door in kicked it open GREEN LEADER IS THEIR A PROM- I was interrupted by getting a a stack of papers flying in my face in me falling back wards hitting my head really hard. SHIT! I yelled in held my hand up to my head while looking back up to see a fight that could end all fights.
Eddsworld Tord's p.o.v
YOU LITTLE FUCKER! I yelled punching edd's counter part in the face then he ducked over in dropped kick me I fell in landed on my robotic arm in it soon detached from my shoulder I screamed in pain as it started to bleed then I felt a hand pick me up in throw me into a wall then I blacked out.
Eddsworld Tom's p.o.v
I shot edd's counter part in he fell to the ground screaming in pain then my counter part ran in and said Green Leader are you ok!? He groaned in pain in then said get me to the *grunts* infirmary my counter part then grabbed his robotic arm in slide it around his neck in walked out leaving us alone in his office we turn back to unconscious red leader in matt said guys I need a screw driver some tape bend-aids and some gauzes.
Time Skip after surgery for Tord/Red Leader~
3rd p.o.v
Green Leader Edd and Red Leader Tord overcame their differences in misunderstanding by explaining their own experience between them in became Allies in combat tord then ask why did he attack him edd told tord everything in he was left shock in the others as well. Can I see a picture of how I look in this world edd nodded in pulled out a picture in handed it to him in tord couldn't believe it it was a picture of him, Pat, and Pau. He looks in the middle to see himself or rater reverse self looking in the camera smiling with his arms wrapped around Paul who was blushing for some reason in with Patryk looking at him smirking tord smiled at that in gave the picture back in said thanks reverse edd tuck a quick glance at his picture then shoved it in his pocket with a no prob tord then shot at the wall with his portal gun in looked back at reverse edd in gave him a hug reverse edd was shocked at first but indeed hugged back they then broke apart in looked at each other one last time then went their separate ways.

I'm dying right now ( Not Literally)

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