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Ok guys so in MonsterWorld I'm going to make it like THE END never happen because I don't know who betrayed who in that universe in probly the others I'm going to be writing as well.

[Previously on Eddsworld]
He plans to he then stuck his body threw the portal fully.

3rd person p.o.v
The Monster Eddsworld Crew were sitting on the couch perfectly enjoying the show 'The Monster Children' until this portal popped up on the wall in Future Eddsworld Crew fell thew and onto the floor with a loud thud all the monsters looked over at their other selves confused but the future crew was getting more confused by the minute.
MonsterWorld Demon Tord's p.o.v
Me in the guys stared at the people that came out of it in were on the floor as they stared back then tom jumped up in said HOLY LONELY PONY EATING MACARONI! I looked at him like what?
MonsterWorld Monster Tom's p.o.v
HOLY LONELY PONY EATING MACARONI! I screamed then looked back at the guys in they looked at me like what? I just shrugged it off in walked slowly to the other people then I noticed they were me in my friends.
MonsterWorld Vampire Matt's p.o.v
I flew up some beside tom in landed on the ground with my pointy ears twitching how is that even possible I said staring at other us, they looked so....Futuristic.

( Just to let you know I'm making edd an angel instead of a monster in this au)

MonsterWorld Angel Edd's p.o.v
I spread my pure white wings out with my golden halo glowing gold brightly in walked up to other us as the Guys started to move out of the way I looked at other me in said 'Who Are You?' he sighed while looking down in replied were you from another dimension in the future my mouth dropped so did the others.
Time Skip To The Future Eddsworld Crew Explaining Everything To The MonsterWorld Eddsworld Crew~
Eddsworld Tom's p.o.v
Tord kept messing with monster Me in I could tell he was getting pissed off because evey time someone try's to talk to him he either bare his fangs at them or cuss them out.
Eddsworld Tord's p.o.v
So Jehovah are so you like Christmas? He looked at me with his tail swaying slowly in nodded yes I scoff in said please he then got up in grabbed me by my calor in punched me in my face I screamed while flying thew a wall in landed on the ground with a soft thud I heard gasp in shushes then foot steps I looked up to see a giant purple monster with 2 purple horns in humongous hands in feet in one eye void like stare down at me I then noticed how sharp his teeth were in I gulped he sighed in transformed back into his half monster form in helped me up in let me put an arm around his neck.
Time Skip~
MonsterWorld Angel Edd's p.o.v
Do you guys have to leave I asked wiping away my tears they've only been here for 7 hours in it was starting to get dark in they said yes I sigh in defeat while looking down I then felt a head on my shoulder and I looked up to see my future counter part he had a smile on his face in said Oi you never know we might be back! I smiled in spread my wing's far as they could go in excitement in said Really! His smile grew even wider in he nodded I cry'd happiness while hugging him then he broke away in they all ran thew the portal we all yelled Bye We'll Never Forget You! Then they were gone in the portal fully disappeared from the wall tord's counter part shot it at I looked at the wall smiling until I felt a heavy in rough hand on my shoulder I looked to see it was Tom's hand. I turnt around in looked at him as he looked down at me worried in said you going to be ok I smiled in looked down at his hand in tuck it in mine in sighed relief while closing my eyes for a sec then looked back at him my smile brighter then ever then said Yeah... I'm going to be ok.

I don't know why but I almost cry'd writing the end of this chapter XD XD XD.

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