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Matt's p.o.v
Me in the guys all flew out of the portal and landed in what I presumed it to be *gasp* Tord's office! I stand up as the others groan in rub their heads in I yell WE'RE HOME!!! everyone eyes soon snap open and edd stands up in begins to look around while saying guys...he's right! We're really home! Then tord in tom stands up in tom chuckles while hugging me in edd in saying god it feels good to be back I smile as tord soon comes over to us in wrap his arms around our shoulders in say it sure is we soon laugh just like old times. I missed this, I a little while passes in I grab my mirror off of Tord's desk in go back to my room in hang it on my wall in my room in soon a reflection begins to show and it's no other than matilda. She smiles in say you guys made it back safe. I smile some in say yeah but trust me we had one rough ride. We've been on so many adventures these pass couple of days and, I'm glad to have that feeling back. She soon looks behind her in say I have to go tamara in ell needs my help I wink at her in say go on in help them I'll be find she soon stares back sadly in say you sure? I laughed in say yes now go she sighs in say bye matt love ya her reflection soon disappears in I whisper love you to. I soon walk out in back to Tord's office.
Tord's p.o.v
Me in Tom were arguing over something stupid and telling the truth I really don't know what were arguing over. We soon stop as Edd covers our mouths in hiss shut your yaps me in tom soon look at each other in began to laugh under his hands in he pulls them away in disgust in say ewww! You guys got spit on them!!! And that only made us laugh harder until matt walks in my office in say what did I miss tom soon looks at him in say nothing now c'mon over hear and join us, I soon chuckle while saying yeah Just Like Old Times~
                         The End

Ok guys I know these aren't all the AU's or worlds so please don't kill me but I couldn't think of anything for the others so I just ended here, please don't hurt me😌

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