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[Previously on Eddsworld]
They then broke apart in looked at each other one last time in went their separate ways.

Tord's p.o.v
I landed on my back onto a floor in soon the others did the same as well. I groaned while sitting up in said where are we? I see Thomas stand up in look around with his digital green eyes for a second then look at me in say it looks like our old place.
(In if you guys are wondering where they are their in the living room area)
Opposite Edd's p.o.v
I was in my room on my bed my shoes kicked off in reading a book with Ringo on my lap purring softly as I pet her in soon I started to hear... talking? I soon closed the book I was reading and carefully pulled Ringo out of my lap and onto the bed in got up putting on my shoes in grabbed matt's bat from behind my door(first of all what is you doing with his bat in your room anyway) and opened it in began to quietly walk down the hallway holding the bat up in defense just in case something or someone decided they should attack me. I turn a corner that lead to the living room in what I saw mad me drop the bat instantly making an loud clank.
Eddsworld Edd's p.o.v
What was that!?! I said as my head snapped at the noise coming from the hallway leading to where we are I then saw... Another Me!
Meanwhile with the rest of the Opposite Day Crew~
Opposite Tom's p.o.v
Me in the guys were walking in the mall looking for somethings to do or buy I then saw a big teddy bear in my 'eyes' lit up in I ran to matt who was looking at bats in began to pull on his purple jacket sweater in looked at me annoyed in whined Whhhhhhaaaattt! I soon started to smile in pointed to the teddy I wanted in looked back at him as he flicked his ponytail in soon said no. I began to tear up until tord cam over in said U-um t-thomas I'll g-get it for you. He blushed some in I smiled wildly while saying Really! He nods in I soon hug him and pull on his red long sleeve turtle neck in said c'mon I want it know! I then dragged him into the store.
Opposite Matt's p.o.v
As Tom dragged tord into the store I sat there still thinking of which bat I should get until my iphone soon ranged off the hook in I had to take it out of my pocket in answer it (I wanted to put flip phone so bad xD)
Matt: Hello?

Edd: Um matt can you maybe skip your dark crazy spree in get tom in tord back along with you to the house please!

Matt: Why Uh What's Wrong!?!

Edd: Just Do It!

*Edd hangs up*

I stared at the phone amazed, edd hasn't yelled like that since I accidentally punch him in the face. I looked around until my eyes landed on the store tom in tord went in and I rushed over.
Opposite Tom's p.o.v
I got a new teddy bear yay! Tord was just finna pay for it until matt busted threw the front doors making us startled in a way he then said You Two, Me, Truck, NOW! He then drags both of us out in I yell BUT MY TED- I was interrupted by matt saying can it tom.
Eddsworld Edd's p.o.v
Yea in thats about it I say scratching the back of my neck nervously in look up at my counter part to see his mouth gapped with shock in surprise then the front door to his house busted opened in matt's counter part it looked like said EDD ARE YOU ALR- he stopped mid sentence when he saw us in said what...the hell? My counter part got up in said meet the Eddsworld Crew! He then do jazz hands in I look over at tom in he face palms. I then get up in say do tom in tord have counter parts in this universe? Opposite me looks at me in nods in soon I see them.
Opposite Tord's p.o.v
What's g-going on? I stutter while walking into our doorway tom close by in I see DOUBLES OF US! I then hear tom say OH ARE WE HAVING A PARTY! I literally looked away embarrassed in I see edd's counter part he had on a green hoodie with a black trench coat in a beard with dark green eyes in a beard he looked kinda mean from my sight of view. I then looked at my counter part in he looked really bad.
Eddsworld Matt's p.o.v
Hey maybe you guys should stay over for dinner tonight! Edd's counter part offered I saw tord was about to decline until our edd spoke up just in time, we will be delighted!
Time Skip to them eating~
3rd person's p.o.v
So your a leader in your world? Tom asked tord's counter part as he ate some spaghetti edd had made with parsley he took a big chump out of it in said yes Tom's eyes lit up in said it must be cool! Eddsworld tom almost chocked on his water in said You wish, try in be in my shoes for a day! Tord then slide back in his chair not even finishing the rest of his meal in said thank you Opposite edd but we must be going edd's opposite looked kinda upset but then replaced it with a happy look in said we understand tord then smiled friendly while shooting a portal at a wall he pointed to the crew to get up in go threw in they all did as their leader told them in jumped threw accept for matt. He looked back at the opposite crew in waved as they did the same in he soon jumped threw with tord right behind him.

Shit my fucking fingers hurt!

And it might not be the best but I tried

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