Chapter Six: Triumph Over Cube!

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"You'll suffer a slow and painful death" Cube smiles as he chokes Zuki. Zuki places his hands on Cube's arm,  trying to set himself free. But to no avail, even after using all of his power he couldn't even make Cube's arm budge.

"Why don't you scream? Hearing the screams of others gives me pleasure" he laughs as he drags his left hand down his own face. Ecstasy fills his mind.

Zuki's weakens in power, he slowly begins to lose consciousness. As Cube squeezes harder, his arms fall on his sides. His pupils were no longer black but instead grey. As if his soul no longer remained. Death was knocking on his door.

Cube releases his grip and lets Zuki fall. Zuki is allowed to breathe, exhaustedly and confused he distances himself from Cube.


"To make you suffer," Cube tells him.

Zuki steps back shakenly.

"Do you not remember what I said earlier? I told you that I would slowly but surely kill you" Cube grins as he slowly walks over to Zuki. "Let's have some fun".

"No, no...NOOOO! GET AWAY FROM ME" Zuki shoots multiple energy balls at Cube who continues to walk towards him.

"DIE, DIE, DIE, JUST DIE" Zuki gathers all his power and shoots an enormous blast at Cube.

His hands fall to his sides as he falls on his knees. He screams for it was the only thing left he could do. Cube comes out completely unscathed. He now stands in front of the broken down Zuki.

"Just like that, JUST LIKE THAT. THAT'S WHAT I LOVE, SCREAM MORE, FILL MY MIND AND EARS WITH YOUR SCREAMS" Cube is kicked in the face and is sent a few feet away. He stands his ground and licks the blood running down his chin. "You've returned, Sin!".

Sin looks over at Zuki who was on his knees holding onto his head in fear.

"You've lost your mind, haven't you? You dare call yourself a Saiyan?" Sin looks over at Zuki who was now looking up at him with tears overflowing. "Where is the man my Father told me about?".

Sin looks over at Cube with a smile.
"He'll come to his senses. You may have taken his sanity and driven him mad. But, there is one thing you will never take from him. AND THAT IS HIS SAIYAN PRIDE!".

Zuki's emotions are all cut off for an instance. Sin's words were finally starting to reach Zuki.

Cube laughs from the distance. "What nonsense, his pride? Trust me after I'm done with him he'll have no pride. And as for you, I'll leave you with nothing. But first, let me hear you scream" he laughs even louder than before.

Sin runs at Cube at full speed, hoping to catch him off guard. Cube stops him in his tracks by grabbing his head and slamming it on the ground.

"Did you honestly believe that would work?" Cube asks but then notices a smile on Sin.

"Yes," He shoots a blast at Cube from close range. Cube is sent into the air, Sin jumps up and kicks him down. "I knew that my best chance was to get caught by you. DON'T LOOK DOWN ON ME, I'm not like anyone before me" He flys at Cube intending to punch him.

Cube grabs his fist and smiles. "Fine, I'll show you some of my true power". Cube throws Sin far at a mountain. Sin coughing up blood looks over at Cube, and notices his body changing.

"So It's true? You do have another form, this is your Third Form".

Cube's purple aura engulfs him as spikes emerge from his back and his neck extends and his head enlarges.

"What an ugly form" Sin chuckles but is then punched in the face by Cube.
"What speed!" Cube fly's after him and kicks him higher into the air.

He then flys above him and sends a blast at him. The blast hits Sin and plummets him onto the ground.

"Is this all you have to offer? It's been a long time since I've used this form. Well, it's not like this fight is over. I STILL HAVE TO HEAR YOU SCREAM".

The smoke and dust begin to settle. Sin's shadow could be seen. He was standing and clenching his fists. "You want me to scream? Fine, but you'll regret it. AHHHHHHH" He screams at the top of his lungs. His veins bulge out as well as his muscles. His hair rises and the shattered rubble begins to float. His aura flares wildly as it changes color. One final yell is heard from him as he shines the whole world with his light.

Everyone from around the world looks over to this light. This unimaginable light, the light of a Super Saiyan!

Sin slowly walks over to the transformed Cube. "You're not the only one who can transform. I am a Super Saiyan!". Sin's pupils were green, his hair was blonde, his aura was now yellow. The form from when his father died. He had transformed into a Super Saiyan.

"I see, you'll show me good time right?" Cube and Sin punch each other simultaneously. Their fists clash repeatedly with neither one willing to back down.

Sin's speed overcomes Cube as he gets his first clear shot on him. He punches him in the gut and then on the chest. Cube grabs his arm but Sin opens up his hand and blasts him with an energy wave.

"THAT'S NOT ALL" Sin flys at Cube and kicks him in the gut. He grabs his head and knees him on the chin. He grabs Cube's head and finishes the combo by slamming it on the ground.

"This is my power, it triumphs over yours Cube" Sin flips him over and sits on his gut. "What's with the smile Cube? Are you enjoying this?".

"You have an amazing power! It's just so exhilarating. I think I think, I THINK YOU'LL BE THE FIRST TO MAKE ME SCREAM".

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