Chapter Nine: The Serpents Fang

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Oceana's form frightens Donnes and Jin. But even so, they grit their teeth and lunge themselves at the ferocious beast.

Oceana slithers towards them with tremendous speed. She punches both of them simultaneously. Sending them hurling towards a huge Rocky mountain. With no second of relief, she shoots a blast at the mountain. The mountain crumbles and they're crushed by the rubble.

A few seconds passed and neither of them had come out from the rubble.

"Now won't you come out and play? I'm getting impatient" She irritatedly shoots another blast at the rubble.

Jin is revealed but not Donnes, within the rubble they had come up with a plan.

Underneath Oceana, the ground begins to crumble. Donnes had made his way to her underneath the ground. He grabs her and pulls her under the ground leaving only her head on the surface.

Jin fly's full speed at Oceana, he gathers up power and hits her full on. "HOLY IMPACT" He makes contact with her face. The impact pushes her through the ground 10 feet away.

Donnes jumps out of the hole and together they gather up power for another attack.

"REVENGE BLASTER" Jin shouts as he stands side by side with Donnes.

"CRIMSON BUSTER" Donnes shouts.

Their attacks fuse into one known as Crimson Revenge. The blast hits Oceana with a devastating impact.

They exhaustively try to catch their breath. Such continuous attacks had taken a huge toll on them.

But hopefully, she had taken a huge toll of damage too.

The cloud of smoke is too thick for them to see through, so they wait patiently for it to settle.

Mistakenly they lower their guards. In the midst of that mistake, Oceana shoots a beam of white energy that pierces through Jin's chest.

He falls on his back coughing up blood. Donnes attempts to help him but he's sent flying by Oceana's tail.

"You're becoming more and more entertaining by the second. I have to thank you for your kindness. So in return for filling me up with excitement, I'll give you a slow and painful death" She informs him with a sadistic smile. She reveals her deadly fangs, she grabs his head and moves it to the side so she could bite him.

He struggles to free himself but to no avail, he's bitten by the Serpent. He feels a stream of an unknown sensation entering his bloodstream.

She lets go of him while licking the blood off his neck and her lips.

Donnes rushes in with a powerful blow. "Rising Sun" but she easily stops it with her hands. Donnes jumps up and attacks once more "Descending Moon" the attack makes contact but she barely feels the attack.

She grabs him and slams him onto the ground. She's about to inject her fangs into his neck but she's kicked in the gut by Jin.

"Jin are you alright? You don't look good, that wound on your chest seems bad" Donnes brings up.

"This is the least of my worries, I think she injected me with venom" He theorizes.

"Oh! What a smart boy. It's true I injected some of my Ki into your bloodstream. My Ki within a foreign body can prove quite fatal. If the victim isn't strong enough, he or she will die within a few minutes. If you wish to live, you must kill me. Then, you must drink my blood. Simple right? Then come get it!" She licks her lips vigorously.

"Can you continue Jin?" Donnes asks with concern.

"I'm fine, let's keep going" He replies when in reality his vision was starting to blur out.

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