Chapter Ten: Friendly Fire

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Sin looks at Donnes with an intense glare that's enough to crush a person's soul. But Donnes does not waver; he stands his ground and glares back at him.

"YOU BROUGHT THIS MONSTER HERE! So if you ask me you're the one at fault. If anything, you're the one who should be begging for my forgiveness" he irritatedly shoots a beam of energy towards Sin.

Sin deflects the blast with ease. He clenches his fist with rage and rushes towards Donnes.

"YOU LET MY BEST FRIEND DIE!" Sin hits him heavily in the face. He's sends flying towards a huge boulder that is soon shattered.

Donnes gets up from the rubble and gathers up power for an attack.

Sin gather his power and prepares to launch the final attack.

From the sidelines, Cube watched as the two Super Saiyans fought it out. He had been interested at first, but now he had grown quite impatient. He shoots a blast in between them; startling them in the process.

"Oh, may I intervene? You see I've grown quite tiresome of watching you two have all the fun. Why not let me join? We can have a battle royal, one man left standing! Well doesn't that interest you both?" Cube looks at them with a grin upon his face.

"I know we both have problems with one another. But Cube is the bigger threat! I suggest we do away with him and then we'll settle things between us" Donnes looks over at Sin who was still quite enraged.

Nonetheless, Sin complies, he knew very well the terrifying powers of the Frost Demon.

From a distance a feminine voice is heard. Donnes's name is called repeatedly, by none other than his lover and her sibling.

Donnes yells at her to run away but she doesn't listen, she keeps running towards him in hopes she would be of use to him somehow.

Cube appears in front of the two; he immediately grabs them both by the neck.

Donnes attempts to move but Cube quickly glares back at him. "You will stay put; unless you wish to see these two dead below my feet".

He smiles as he looks at the girls and then at Donnes. He throws them far into the air and looks away.

Donnes sighs in relief knowing very well that they could both fly.

Cube smiles and extends his hand towards them. A red blast of energy shoots out from his palm and homes in on them.

Sin fly's quickly into the air and just as quick Donnes rushes at Cube to stop the bastard from finishing his attack.

Sin grabs one of them but is then engulfed in the attack, he hits the ground and finds the youngest of the two in his arms. The one Donnes had loved had perished within the blast.

"Sister? GET OFF OF ME!" She frantically looks around. "Where's my sister?".

"She's no more, sorry" he stands back up on his feet and attempts to help her. She denies his help and begins to cry for the loss of her older sister.

"I too lost someone very dear to me in this war. And not long before this, I lost another" Sin tells her with a saddened smile.

"Then? Why aren't you crying? Aren't you sad?" She asks confused.

"I am sad but mostly terrified. Everything I do, everything I've done has always been hopeless. My emotions are being locked up by my hatred towards Cube as well as another" he tells her knowing that if he were to reveal that it was her sister's lover who had killed his friend, things would not turn out well for either of them.

"I need you to do something for me, see that ship over there? Inside is a space pod take it, and head to planet B47. When I can I will join you, and from there; we'll see what I can do to help you. Is that alright?" He asks hoping for a quick response knowing Cube's power was rising; as if he had no limit!

The sky begins to darken and the clouds start to part. Thunder shook the heaves and even rained down upon his body. There was no doubt in his mind that Cube was attempting to transform into his final form.

She fully agrees to his suggestion and runs off into the ship for the space pod and takes off. Another being noticed them from a distance when the ships door had opened she slithered her way in. She hid herself within the ship waiting until the right time when the Saiyans were to return.

Sin arrives at the scene at hand with Donnes almost petrified at what had occurred. Sin is about to bring him back to his senses, but Cube shoots out one final yell and transforms. His yell shakes the planet to its very core, when the smoke had vanished they were able to see the newly formed Cube.

He now has a smaller and slender body yet with the eyes of a devil and the power of a monster. He locks eyes with Sin and raises a smile. "No matter how strong you get, I will always be one more step ahead of you".

Sin scoffs in anger and frustration. There was nothing he could do, his powers were inferior to that of Cube's.

But alas back up arrives, Zuki makes himself known. He had not perished in the last fight, he jumps on Cube and tells them all to run.

Instantly Sin knocks out Donnes and takes him to his ship. He knew very well Donnes would attempt to save his father and die in the process.

What his father was doing was a noble sacrifice. He would not let him lose his life in vain.

Cube extends his tail and grabs him by the neck and begins to choke him. "I've heard you scream long enough" he twists his head and ends his life. He looks above and sees a ship flying out of the planet. "Now now wait for me" he fly's over to his own ship and chases after them.

Once he had a clear view of the planet he comes out of his ship and blasts the planet into nothingness with a single blast from his finger.

The now awoken Donnes watches his home planet being destroyed in front of his very own eyes. With the span of an hour his girlfriend, his father, and his planet had been irradicated. There was nothing he could do, he felt helpless. He feels a gentle hand on his shoulder, he looks back and sees Sin pointing at a chamber.

"This will heal you up, and since you're severely injured you will gain a great Zenkai Boost. Maybe enough to even defeat Cube" Sin tells him as he activates two chambers.

Donnes steps inside without a second thought and loses consciousness almost instantly. Sin walks into his own and activates them both, the final battle would soon arrive.

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