Chapter Eight: Serpentine

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As the ground shakes; mountains crumble. A surge of power flows through Oceana's veins. She grits her teeth and clenches her fist. Her canines begin to grow into fangs, while her nails grow into claws. Her aura flares up as she becomes elongated and legless. She gains a tail of a snake, making her 7 feet long. Her skin develops baby blue scales all across her body. Her black iris eyes change into red, as her dark green hair lengthens. With a bright purple light; she blinds everyone near her.

The light slowly diminishes with a bit of time. Once she becomes visible to the eye she shocks Donnes and Jin who had taken a step back from fear.

"What the hell are you?" Jin asks in shock. For he had never seen or heard of such a transformation.

Oceana loosens her hands and observes her body. She hadn't seen herself in this form for quite a long time.

"This is my original form; I am a Serpentine! My other form was merely a shell, just to contain my enormous power. I have never had full control of myself within this form. I've slaughtered thousands in minutes".

Jin and Donnes sense her power, only to be frightened by the depth of her power. It seemed as if it had no end as if she had a bottomless pit of power. The intense power she carried felt as if gravity at it's heaviest was pushing down upon them.

Oceana's power came from long ago in a far-off planet that no longer exists. The Serpentine race never looked like how she does now, neither did she. She only had fangs and a low amount of scales on her body. But things changed when her race was attacked by the many other races that coexisted with them. They feared the Serpentine for they were the strongest race to have ever lived on their planet. Through fear, the other races formed an alliance to kill off the Serpentine.
The Serpentine fought them back for they were too prideful to back down. But in the end they were no match, they had killed many, but they had lost twice as much.

The survivors had no other choice but to lock themselves in a tomb that could never be opened or broken. This race was known to live on for what seemed to be as an eternity, but without food or water, they would surely die. The whole race knew that there would only be one way of survival. Their survival would only be achieved by through cannibalism. A war engaged amongst themselves. Day and Night multiple Serpentines would die. Until there was only one left, one no one had ever expected to survive.

A child by the name of Sage. Sage had killed and eaten hundreds of her kind. This had driven her mad and in the process morphed her body into something greater. She was now closer to resembling her ancestors who were true Serpentines. From top to bottom they were snake-like. She grew closer to them the more she ate her kind. Her lower half had formed into the body of snake, while only a few changes occurred with her top half. She had heard of a legend that told the meaning behind her new red eyes. It was due to killing so many of her own kind. 

With the insane power she had flowing through her; she broke out of the tomb with ease. With anger and guilt fueling her there was only one thing she could do. Slaughter everyone who defied her race.

She slithered amok around the planet, in search of every race. In one night she had killed millions, but it wasn't enough for her. So she killed every living being, that existed. Until she was the last breathing specimen.

Her power had consumed her, enough to make her suicidal. For there was only one last creature that was at fault for what happened to her. Herself! Countless times she tried to take her own life but each time she was on the brink of death, something within her would come through and prevent her from ending her life. It was her will to live, through this she was finally able to regain some consciousness. Knowing full well that her power would consume her once again; she did all she could to prevent that.

She had always been known as a genius amongst her peers. Within one day she was able to create a form that would act as a shell. A shell to subdue her Serpentine powers. In the process, her power had dropped fivefold. Her claws reverted back to nails, and her tail had vanished; she had regrown her legs. Her red iris eye's had reverted to black. Even the snakes had vanished.

Even though she had locked away her catastrophic powers, she knew one day it would break free once again. Whether or not she needed the form, the day would come. She would once again wreak havoc upon others.

That day is today! As she unleashed her power, she slowly lost consciousness of who she was. No longer would she take her life, for there were many new lifeforms standing before her eyes who needed die first. Glaring at her first victims she licks her fangs and waits patiently for the first move.

Jin and Donnes look at each other in fright. They knew full well that by the end of the fight they would be devoured. Even so, they glared back at the Malicious Serpent! They would not give up without a fight, they would do their best to harm her before she could set her gleaming eyes on Sin. The battle to the death drew closer!

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