Chapter 1: The Hitch Hikers

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Your P.O.V:
"What a day." You sigh, out of relief that Monday had finally come to an end. You naturally hated Mondays, the longest day of the week; the most dreaded day of the week in fact. You pick up your phone to check the time: 10:30pm. Great.

You drive wearily down a ghostly street, with nothing but darkness to forcibly comfort you. "Oh crap!" You sigh out of pure frustration, in reaction to the chime of your phone. "That must be mom." You say sarcastically.

As you raise your phone to check your notifications, you notice a man and his luggage on the side of the road. As you begin to look closer, with a slight squint, you can easily see that there wasn't only one man, but two.

You give yourself a weak smile to the thought of the crouched man as luggage. You see the second man stand up and reach out his thumb; as was the first man's reaction when he first spotted your car.

Out of pure sympathy, and since there isn't anyone else around, you pull up to the side of the road towards them. You show a slight smirk when you see their faces light up. They walked straight to the car, leaving a camera or two behind, along with a camera stand.

"Excuse me, but do you mind giving me and my brother a ride?" One of them asks whilst licking his lips as I roll down the window.

"Sure, no problem." I say calmly. But I wasn't. I didn't know them, I didn't know what would happen. But I assume they felt the same; regardless, they needed a ride.

Their faces glow up within seconds. "T-thank you so much. Er-miss." He says slightly nervous. They go back to where they were to grab their belongings, and begin their trip back. The conversation playing back in your mind; making your skin crawl with the thought of the many different outcomes that could occur.

Through the rearview mirror you can see them push each other playfully, and play a game of rock, paper, scissors. "I can't believe I'm doing this," You whisper to yourself with a slight, shaky voice.

You inhale deeply, hold it, and let go. They both come within inches of the car and gently open the doors. One of them in the front seat; the other in the back. Odd. You would think they'd want to sit together, by the obvious situation they're in. Maybe it had something to do with their little game of rock, paper, scissors? But it did nothing more than concern you.

Ethan's P.O.V:
As I sit with Grayson, silently begging for someone to come to our rescue, I can barely see a car in the distance, coming close. 

"Hey Gray," I say looking down at his crouching body. 

"What E?" He says out of frustration. 

"Look! A car!" I exclaim. 

He rolls his eyes in disbelief and looks in the other direction. I wouldn't blame him. We've been here for almost 6 hours; and it's late on top of that. Who would be at a deserted road this time of night? Apparently this dude-er I mean chick.

As the car pulls in closer, I see Grayson, in complete awe, rise to his feet and stick out his thumb. As I was doing the same before. She pulls over a few feet away from us, and stops the motion of the car.

"Excuse me, but do you mind giving me and my brother a ride?" I ask, slightly begging.

The features of her cane into focus as I talked to her. Her beautiful y/c/h hair, shinned through the darkness of the sky. And her eyes; God those y/e/c eyes, they could see right into my soul. My eyes finally rest on her lips. Her perfectly plump lips, with a slight shade of pink. She was perfect. Everything about her, was simply perfect.

"Sure, no problem." She said with a twinkling look in her eyes.

I smile and look deeply in her eyes, "T-thank you so much." I stuttered. "Er-miss." I finish off. Remember your manners Ethan; I think to myself. She gives me a friendly smile, and rolls up her window; signaling for us to get inside.

Me and Gray walk back to get our cameras. We were finishing up a video for YouTube. If we were stuck here for any longer, we probably would've skipped a Tuesday.

"Hey Gray," I ask. 

"What's up?" He responds. 

"Mind if I ride shotgun with her?" 

"What for? Don't you wanna sit in back with me?" He asks.

 "Yeah, but I think it would be..polite?" I lie. I want to get to know her. Everything about her intrigued me, but I didn't know what...yet.

"Let's settle this the old fashion way," Grayson says holding up his hands in the form of a ball. 

Rock, paper, scissors; the ultimate tie breaker between us. I smile in response, and raise my hands too.

 "If I win, I sit next to her. If I loose, then you will." He says chuckling, as if he knew why I wanted to sit by her. 

We played once. Tie. We play a second. Tie. Finally, he decides to choose paper, rookie mistake, as I succeed with scissors.

Joy fills my heart with no intentional reason, but the thought of sitting next to this amazingly beautiful woman. We reach the car, and hop inside carefully. She gives me a concerned look as I sit in the front. She opens her mouth to begin a sentence but dismisses it, looking back into the road starting our trip home. A long trip home; let's see where this will go.

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