Chapter 20: The Truth

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Do NOT continue to read this chapter if you are easily offended or are easily triggered. Thank you and enjoy.

Your POV
"Go ahead. Tell them, y/n." Jake smirked while walking to me and pinning the gun to my head

"Tell them, how hard it was for me to hurt you. Tell them how hard it was to be raped by your own father. TELL THEM!!" He yelled.

"Jake, please." I said with a shaky voice.

"Y/n, you knew I loved you. I did what I had to do, to protect you!!" He said with tears rolling down his flushed cheeks.

"You never loved me!" I said with a lump in my throat.

"Fine! Then tell Ethan how you really feel." He said chuckling.

"Ethan, I love you as a brother." I lied.

I saw Ethan close his eyes harshly as if he didn't want to believe it were true; which it wasn't. Jake bit the inside of his cheek and smiled wickedly at me.

"Tell him the truth." He grinned.

"I did." I said in a low voice.

"Fine, then maybe I'll do this." He said pointing the gun at Ethan.

He reloaded the gun and fired dangerously close to him. I heard a sharp scream escape Grayson's mouth as he ran towards his brother.

"Next one won't be so far off." Jake spat.

"OKAY!!" I wailed.

"Tell them." He said out of breath.

"Ethan," I managed to form the words.

His eyes attached onto mine as I finished stating his name. My heart began to race faster than a speeding car; and my entire body went cold. I could feel my hands trembling at the thought of what Jake would do to Ethan if I didn't confess my feelings. Though I have no idea why he wants me to.

"I'm in love with you. I've been denying it since the moment I laid my eyes on you." I admitted.

"Now tell me, exactly how he makes you feel. Tell me, y/n." Jake said with a trembling voice.

"Ever since Ethan and I met, Ive been so affected by him. He makes my heart skip multiple beats per second, every fucking time he talks to me." I said with tears flooding my sight.

"I spend every day of my life, regretting the day I hurt him at the sauna." I said making eye contact with Ethan.

"And when he looks at me, I swear I can't breathe. His eyes could hypnotize me within seconds, because I crave his affection every second of every hour, of Every. Fucking. Day."
I said crying softly.

"And I thought, that by building barriers between us, that I'd stay away from you and keep you from entering my mind; but it's impossible when you've already invaded my heart." I said slightly twitching my mouth.

"I continuously think about 100 thoughts a day, and you are ALWAYS 99. I've come to accept that you'll never be mine, and I make it appear to be perfectly fine, but the truth is, I'm dying inside. I'm braking so much, that I become so numb." I said with my voice cracking.

"So much, that I start to feel nothing but somehow feel EVERYTHING. And it's not fair to Grayson nor myself. I'm so sorry, Grayson." I finished.

Silence broke out after I finished admitting the only secret I was keeping from myself. When I looked towards Grayson, his eyes were glued on the floor; his facial expression showed that he was completely heartbroken.

Guilt spread through my body like a wildfire, eating everything that resisted against it. My heart sank into a black bottomless pit, along with the rest of me. The only person who could stand me at the moment, was Jake. Even Ethan couldn't make eye contact with me after I finished by speech.

"That's all I wanted to hear." He said before placing the gun up to his own head.

"No! Jake!!" I screamed.

"Take care of her, boys." He said with a tear dropping into the floor.

I ran to him and tried to retreat the gun from his hand but it was too late. When I heard the alarming sound of the gun going off, everyone gasped. He had already pulled the trigger; but Jake wasn't the one who was shot.

I was.

When I pushed the gun down towards the floor, I guess Jake accidentally shot it and the bullet bounced off a metal pot and hit me in my lower abdomen.

My eye sight began to blur and my body felt like it was on fire. Everything moved so slowly, yet so fast. I was on the floor by now and the twins were running up to me along with Jake.

Ethan applied pressure on my stomach while Grayson stepped away to call the cops. I saw Jake throw the gun over the cliff, to get rid of evidence I'm sure, and ran up to help Grayson.

Ethan was crying while he pressed down on my bloody stomach. He quickly released and took off his shirt; wrapping it tightly around my wound.

"Y/n, y/n are you okay?!" He sobbed.

"Ethan, I-" I spat in agony.

"Shh. I'm sorry, don't talk. Save your energy." He sniffed.

His bloody hand trembled as it moved to my cheek, slowly rubbing it in circles. His pants hung dangerously low around his hip, slightly showing his V line. His bare chest against my arm was warming and soothing.

"I, I, I'm-C-c-col-cold." I managed to stutter from my lips.

"Shhh." Ethan cried.

A few of his warm tears, fell on my face and strolled down my neck. I couldn't feel anything anymore; not even the bullet in my system. I knew the blood was rushing out of me like an unsteady river, but I couldn't feel it.

"Y/n, just hold on. Stay awake, don't fall asleep." His words rang through my head.

"The ambulance will be here any minute now." He said.

His words were echoing through my mind, as everything became more unclear to recognize. Everything around me began to disappear into a white fuzz; everything, except for Ethan. He was all that I could see. At least for now.

My eyes became heavier by the second until they finally closed. I wasn't in my own body anymore. I was floating.

I was floating in my own world, surrounded by Lillie's and light streaks. My peaceful world, full of these things, were everything as it should be. Everything was quite, and everything was beautiful.
But even all quiet and beautiful things, must come to an end. For everything has an end; but this one seems to be coming a little early. Everything is still, and peaceful. And I was surrounded by lilies and light streaks;

Floating in my own world.

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