Info of me

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So first of all!Here's a bit of information about me.😎

Name:Just call me Darcy.It's not my real name but what evs
Hair:Short and dirty blond.(Wish it was red and long)
Favourite food:Pizza
Favourite drink:Cola
Favourite movie:I dunno
Favourite country:IRELAND!
Favourite animal:Cheetah
Favourite colour:Light blue

Extra info:I have depression,I have severe anger issues,I got split personalities😓,I'm bisexual,I'm Christian,I'm white and I love gore.

I don't think that's it but it's the basics.I hope you like the real me.I used to be a really weird and dumb kid who made a BEGILION mistakes.I still feel guilty about them to this day😞But I hope I can make it up to my friends!And make new ones along the way(Not too much I hate people)I hope I can put my past mistakes behind me and become a great animator/writter/vet/I dunno but I have changed!And life just gives more shit in your way!So lets sweep it up and throw it away.We shall make 2018 amazing!

Almost forgot!Shout out to one of my best friend from school Kubzscoutslover26!

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