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Hello people from Watpad. Once again here is another one shot. Yes I know. " it was getting good". But this is it anyways. If your looking for extreme yaoi this is the place!! Just sayin... anyways reader-chan, plz enjoy and PLEASE READ THE BOTTOM.

Setting: Shizuo and Izaya have been in a friendship now for some time and they go to drink at Izaya's apartment.

"Izaya!! Dont drink all of iit!" Shizuo grabbed for the bag of beers but was swooped away from him instead. " no no Shizu-chaan can't have you getting drunk!! Hahaha!!" Izaya laughed, a big drunk blush on his face. " speak for yourseeelf" Shizuo pointed at Izaya who just glared at him then tossed a beer at Shizuo who caught it like a puppy playing catch.

Shizuo popped open the beer and statted drinking, now their faces both red.

"Mmmm Shizu-chaan" Izaya moaned in his drunk state and crawled over to a cabinet and took out a small bottle. "Was what?" Shizuo asked as Izaya got closer. " just take it. A gift from my friend. Drink." Izaya shoved the liquid onto Shizuo. "What in it??" Shizuo asked staring at the bottle with no labels. "Just drink before I make you." Shizuo was to scared to see what Izaya would do to him if he hadnt (in his drunken state he couldnt fully grasp that he wasnt acually afraid of Izaya) and so, Shizuo drank from the mysterious bottle and they continued their drinking as if nothing happend.

30 minutes later...

"I.... zaya....." Shizuo breathed through moaning gasps. "Hehe yess Shizu-chaaan?"

" i.... feel weird..." Shizuo breathed again. " looks like its taking effect." Izaya laughed wickedly and brought his finger to lift Shizuo's chin up. " izaya...." shizuo breathed as a last line of defense before Izaya kissed him on the lips.

" mmmm" Shizuo moaned as Izaya's tongue went into the hot wet cavern that was his mouth. Gasps and moans were made from Shizuo as he grasped for air, pulling Izaya's shirt and ripping it off accidently. "Hehe looks like your impatient Shizu-chaan" Izaya cooed into Shizuo's ear. "Mmmm" Shizuo accidently moaned as Izaya took his pocket knife and cut Shizuo's shirt off of him. "Hehe" Izaya whispered a laugh as he started kissing Shizuo again and again going down his chest and unzipped his pants and pulled them down smoothly. All while Shizuo was a moaning mess.

Izaya came back up to where Shizuo head is and licked his lips before going back down to take his own pants off.

"Izaya.... what.. are you doing..?" Shizuo breathed deeply. " poor Shizu-chan. Havent gotten it through your that thick skull of yours?" Izaya teased as he pulled down Shizuo's last defense of clothing and went down on him. " aah!!" Shizuo tried to pull Izaya's head away but Izaya just licked more.

" Flea.... stop..." Shizuo huffed out. "Mmmm" Izaya hummed and Shizuo could feel it echo through his member. With a pop Izaya released Shizuo to see his work. " No Shizu-chan do you really want me to stop now?" Izaya laughed as he grasped Shizuo's now hard member.

" fleaaa..." Shizuo couldn't move from his place which was on Izaya's couch. "Its ok Shizu-chaan next time, I'll drink it. Then you can do all sort of perverted stuff to me" Izaya laughed slightly and winked.
The flea grasped Shizuo's member with his hand and went up and down slowly, and slower and slower. " gahh!! Flea.... stop being a tease" Shizuo grunted.

" what? Already feel like cumming?" Izaya moved closer to shizuo's face. " well we dont want that now do we?" Izaya licked Shizuo's lips before kissing him deeply.

As their make out session extended, Izaya, while kissing Shizuo, grasped his member and moved at a rapid speed making. Then with his other hand, he pulled Shizuo's hair making them go deeper into the kiss.

"Mmmmm" a hard moan came from Shizuo as his back arched in pleasure.  With a couple more yelps and moans from the masochist Shizu-chan, he came with a fierce cry " FLEEAAA!!!"

Time skip to next morning

"Mmm" Shizuo slowly opened his eyes to see Izaya smiling back at him. They were both in his bed.... " gaaahhh!!" Shizuo bursts up. " what the fuck...." Shizuo breathed as he noticed that he had nothing on in the way of clothes. He heard Izaya laugh and he turned his head to see a wicked grin come across Izaya's face.

" poor Shizu-chan. Dont remember all of last night? Thats to bad. You looked like you were having fun!" Izaya moved out of the bed to put some pants on. " what did you do to me flea!?" Shizuo asked, getting up and slammed Izaya against the wall.
Izaya smirked evilly under Shizuo. " Well Shizuo your free to watch the tape I made." Izaya made a kissy face and manovered out of Shizuo's hold.

" come get me Shizu-chaaaann!!!!"



there has been alot of stuff that has happened so far in 2018. Alot of school shooting and kidnappings and so much more massacres. I give my love out to all of you reading this who has lost someone during one of these events. 
I am a Floridian and I give special love out to the victims in the school shooting that has cost more than 10 lives at the High School. I also send love to one of my schools science teachers Mr. Norman, who died today. He was in a comma after being in a car accident earlier this year.

R.I.P  to all.

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