Ready, Aim, Fire!

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I ran in a pack of Patriot soldiers, all charging for the British who caught us off guard. I was breathing heavily, trying to put the bullets in my gun. 

"Y/n!" Hercules shouted. I turned and Hercules jumped on my legs, causing me to fall. The air was knocked out of my chest and I looked up just in time to see a cannonball fly right where I was standing.

 "T-Thanks." I gasped. Hercules nodded and sat me up. We began to shoot at the British and I winced when I saw one of my bullets pierce a British soldier. The attack was gaining momentum and the British were closing in. 

"Retreat!" a man yelled. I looked around and saw that Hercules and Lafayette were out of my sight. 

"Hercules! Lafayette!" I screamed over the cannon fire. I began to panic and I looked around. I saw the last Patriots that were on the field begin to run back to the camp. I started to follow when an arm wrapped around my neck and I let out a yell.

 "No one's gonna save you, Patriot." A British accent snarled. I began to kick and squirm as I was carried to the opposite side on the field. 

"Y/n!" a familiar voice shouted. My captor turned and I saw John run up and punch him, causing him to let go of me. John took my arm and we began to run. "Don't look back, Y/n!" he ordered. I tried to do as he said, but I was disobedient and turned around to see the Brit pull out a pistol and aim it at John. I pulled out my own loaded pistol and aimed it at the soldier. 

"John!" I shouted. I pushed him down and felt the bullet pierce my skin. With the energy I had, I raised my arm and shot the British soldier in the chest. He fell to the ground and so did I. 

"Y/n!" John screamed. I looked over at him and I placed my hand on where the bullet entered. I could feel the warm blood seep through my clothes. I raised my hand up to my eyes and saw the crimson blood drip from my fingers. John was holding my head when Alexander, Hercules, and Lafayette appeared next to him. 

"Sorry, guys. It had to be done." My vision went blurry and my head felt fuzzy. I felt myself get lifted up by strong arms and I got placed down again.

~Two Days Later~

I woke up in the same bed that I started in. I peered out of the tent as best as I could and saw that it was nighttime. I began to sit up and felt a sharp pain in my side. I removed the blanket and lifted my shirt slightly. I revealed to myself gauze wrapped around my torso and some of it covered in dried blood. I raised the gauze gently and looked at my wound. It was a small, but deep cut in my side. It was kept together with small, tight stitches. I shivered as the memories came flooding back to me and drowned my mind. 

"Hey, Y/n." Alexander said softly. I looked up and saw my friends. 

"Hey guys." I smiled. John sat down on the side of the bed I was on and hugged me. 

"Thank you, Y/n. You saved my life." I hugged him back tightly. I heard someone walk in the tent and I looked over to see who it was. It was a tall man with tan skin and no hair. 

"General Washington." My friends saluted. The general nodded and looked at me. 

"So. This is the girl everyone is talking about?" he smiled warmly. 

"My name is Y/n, sir." I sat up as best as I could. Washington chuckled lightly. 

"At ease Y/n, gentlemen." He walked over to where I was in on the bed and looked down at me. "What you did, a young woman, fighting alongside men and risking your life for an almost complete stranger is one of the bravest actions I've ever seen in battle." He saluted me and I saluted back. He smiled and nodded at me and motioned for my friends to follow him outside. 

"We'll be back later, Y/n." Alexander assured. I watched them walk out of the tent and into the camp. I sat up to the side of my bed and placed my feet on the ground and laced my shoes onto my feet and put on my jacket and pulled up my hair, actions all too familiar. I hoisted myself onto my feet and my legs faltered. I stuck my arms out for balance and righted myself again. I gently stretched myself, trying to get rid of the little pain I felt in my side. Once I felt better, I walked out among the soldiers. This time, instead of whistles and cat-calls, I heard whispering and received pats on the shoulder when I passed. 

"Well, at least they're not acting like they were before." I assured myself. 

"Y/n!" a familiar voice called. I turned to face Alexander.

 "Hey Alex." I grinned at him. He returned the grin with his own. 

"The guys and I are going out for a drink. Wanna come?" he invited. I nodded. 

"What's the worst that could happen?" I asked, walking next to him.

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